– The last of the first set of themes
Month: October 2009
uploaded a video to YouTube
uploaded a video to YouTube. – Themes Demonstration
Demonstration of the newly added “Themes” feature.
We must pay off our debt, or the spice must flow ..
Installing Battlefield 2 in MojoPac
If you don’t comment on this status then the terrorists will follow us home and win, and Iran will get WMDs .. You don’t want the terrorists to win, do you? Why do you hate America, the greatest country in the Universe?
Played Call of Duty 4 from beginning to end last night .. Good game, but the battles were too spammy for my taste .. I like the Ghost Recon battles better .. they’re cleaner but tougher ..
If your password doesn’t look like this (m-#^+muoz,fuai:zn) then its time to change it ..
Internet’s running like shit today
Internet’s running like shit today ..
Entire battle from 0 to 500. Guild Wars resolution set to 1280×720. Recorded with Fraps at 60 fps. Part 2 is here: