I must be a vampire because a few sprinkles of garlic knocked the hell out of me.
Month: December 2010


I was feeling artistic, so I applied a Photoshop filter ..

Rap News 6 – Wikileaks’ Cablegate: the truth is out there
Juice Media Rap News, with Robert Foster. Episode 6 of the Investigative Rap Journalism has dropped: December 2010 and Cablegate has burst open. With a steady trickle of Diplomatic communiques leaking out every single day, the Book of Revelations is expanding dramatically. In all the hubbub, the glo

Rap News 5: News World Order – the war on journalism (ft. Julian Assange)
Who let the Logs out!? Wikileaks drops 400,000 classified documents shedding new light on the Iraq war—the biggest leak of classified military documents in history—sending shockwaves across the Fourth Estate. Rap News marks the occasion by inviting into the studio the former US Secretary of Offense,
For everyone complaining about the rain, I assume that you’ll be bathing and flushing the toilet less once it stops, right?
I bought a $6 box of oatmeal cookies, but the ants got to it first ..

My brother wall hacks in street fighter 4