The new Carl’s Jr commercial actually motivated me to go out and get a burger.
Month: April 2011
Anaheim amtrak station


Looks like something is happening

Download the app they’ve linked to, to see your “tracked” data .. I don’t have an iPhone so I can’t try it 😀
Report: iPhones secretly track their users’ locations
Apple devices appear to be tracking their owners’ locations and storing data about people’s whereabouts without their knowledge, according to a report posted Wednesday on a site called iPhone Tracker.

Lol, this is so lame
Lol, this is so lame
A Master Class for Ken (SF4)
Tips and tricks only the pros knew, UNTIL NOW! Get ready to PWN up some NUBS on Xbox Live and get some MAD BP’S BRO! Also, this video is a joke and in no way serious. Don’t do this, for the love of god don’t do it.
I beat seth in street fighter 4 on hardest mode with no deaths and all I got was an achievement for not using any quarters, lame.
Playing SF4 vs. my brother
Playing SF4 vs. my brother
Street Fighter IV Guile (Latif) vs. Ken (Jawid)
Looking forward to watching this anime ..
[C] The Money of Soul and Possibility Control Teaser The Japanese government was rescued from the brink of financial collapse by the Sovereign Wealth Fund. For its citizens, however, life has not improved, and unemployment, crime, suicide, and despair are rampant. Kimimaro, raised by his maternal grandmother after t