first impression of windows 8 .. not impressed .. very clunky ..
Month: March 2013
rushna tilling the back yard

One step out of sight hidden in the shadows cast by that light of our pathetic lives there lies both ruin and delight.
To light up and gain insight into our potential lives will cast its dark shadow over our eyes.
We must sit still and be at peace with darkness this night while we scour the light for the future.
Else we risk stumbling like drunkards under that pitiful light of our lives.

New irrigation and brick lawn edging … after many nights working in the dark … finally done … Next up, tilling up the existing lawn and planting a new one … Also, need to fix the outer perimeter … BTW, each brick weighs 6 lbs …
Sharks on TV before I go to work, sharks on TV when I get home.

In observance of that lame filibuster today, here is President Obama …
I have a drone;
I have a drone that I alone
will have the right to assassinate anyone ..
I have a drone;
no more habeas corpus
and more powers to detain and to resort to excessive force
and to declare war without approval of congress or courts
Don’t let this .. uh … War-Is-Peace prize deceive you!
I’ve bombed a whole heap a people to pieces
and my first term ain’t even completed.
I HAVE A DRONE – Barack Obama vs Mitt Romney [RAP NEWS 16]
It’s nearing the end of 2012, and the bastion of world democracy (The United States of America) is displaying its free and open process of elections for the …

President Hugo Chavez Lambasts Capitalism at COP15
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez addresses COP15, the United Nations Climate Change Conference.Criticizing the destructive practices of the capitalist system, C
I haven’t heard GOA in a trance stream in quite a while .. Apparently when Paul Oakenfold plays something, its cool …
Nap time