Spent the last few hours writing my own Rachio Irrigation PHP client / weather model since I wasn’t satisfied it. #l
Wachio – PHP client for Rachio Irrigation controller
Spent the last few hours writing my own Rachio Irrigation PHP client / weather model since I wasn’t satisfied it. #l
Wachio – PHP client for Rachio Irrigation controller
Sometimes, when I’m lost in my own head, programming feels like I’m playing a piano; as if I knew what that felt like …
Europe has cost me -5% over last year; USA +13%; Weak euro to help the poor = Capital outflow; Syriza won’t help. Bonds = +20%; Go figure.
Impatient old woman swerves into my lane almost hits me; I brake and swerve out; Old woman runs red light at the intersection. Hmmm.
The beauty of a home treadmill; a quick 15 minute run at 3 am when boredom strikes because why not?
Society Without the State | Speaker Panel
The issue with “Spaghetti at the wall”; adds many variables too quickly; to find the root of a problem one must remove, not add, variables.
RT Like A Girl
: For anyone feeling a bit sad, here’s a picture from a woman who makes Teddy Bears for her pet mouse
Perfect Girls on Twitter
“For anyone feeling a bit sad, here’s a picture from a woman who makes Teddy Bears for her pet mouse”
BabyMetal Legend “Z” Ijime,Dame,Zetai イジメ、ダメ、ゼッタイ Live HD
BABYMETAL – Headbanger!! – Live