My house, “The Algiers”, originally sold for $16,575 when it was brand new.

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Cuban: FCC Net Regs Will Spill Over, ‘TV As You Know It Is Over’
Full Video: Obama’s Immigration Town Hall | msnbc
Watch the full video of President Barack Obama’s town hall on immigration reform, hosted by msnbc’s Jose Diaz-Balart. » Subscribe to msnbc: http://on.msnbc.c…
Guy Winch: The case for emotional hygiene
We’ll go to the doctor when we feel flu-ish or a nagging pain. So why don’t we see a health professional when we feel emotional pain: guilt, loss, loneliness…
[ Sorry for tl;dr — it is what it is, deal with it ]
Based on the answers of your survey you are a VISUALIZER:
A Visualizer prefers holistic, intuitive, integrating, and synthesizing thinking. He or she sees the big picture and has the ability to work very quickly. A Visualizer adroitly manages and juggles multiple tasks and projects. A Visualizer is also able to synthesize disparate ideas into a cohesive whole, generating creative, innovative project ideas. A Visualizer thinks strategically about projects, effectively managing multiple ideas simultaneously while being efficient in task execution. A Visualizer maintains visual lists, often using color.
Open mindedness
Ability to see the big picture, recognizing new opportunities and integrating ideas and concepts
Innovation; willingness to challenge the status quo
Creative problem solving
Pet Peeves:
Repetition, slow pace
Rigid, highly structured project plans with no flexibility
Excessive detail; too many numbers
Being told “You can’t” or “We’ve always done it this way”
Undying Loves:
Spending minimal time on details
Broad conceptual frameworks
Connections to other approaches
Famous Visualizers: Scientist Albert Einstein, artists Pablo Picasso and Leonardo di Vinci, entrepreneurs Steve Jobs, Richard Branson, and Larry Page
Classic Quote: “Some look at things that are, and ask why. I dream of things that never were and ask why not?”—Playwright George Bernard Shaw.
Communication Style: A Visualizer uses visual language when speaking—words and phrases like see, look, envision, imagine, and the big picture. They typically speak in abstract phrases and frequently use metaphors. They also tend to ask general, broad-based questions about concepts and innovative aspects of a particular task or project.
A Visualizer prefers to have information presented using metaphors or visual aids that place specific details within a big-picture overview or conceptual framework, often aligned to the organization’s long-term strategy. Visualizers value the flexibility to move away from a planned agenda in search of new, fun, and imaginative approaches. Visualizers typically ask “Why” questions: “Why is this process better?” “Why do we do things this way?”
A Visualizer will react spontaneously to feedback and prefers concepts.
Decision-Making Style: Visualizers make decisions by inventing imaginative, intuitive solutions to problems. They are perceptive and skilled at reading signs of coming change, which sometimes leads them to challenge established policies. They tend to recognize and seek out new possibilities, embrace ambiguity, and integrate ideas and concepts that others may consider incompatible or unrelated.
Preferred Productivity Tools: Productivity tools that appeal to Visualizers include digital white board apps, Sketchbook Pro (an app that lets them capture ideas while working with a complete set of sketching and painting tools), iThoughts HD (a digital mind-mapping tool), Concur (an app used to photograph and save expense receipts and create expense reports), and Noteshelf (a digital notebook tool). They also love visually vibrant low-tech tools—multicolored Post-It notes, colored folders, notebooks with unlined pages, pens in a variety of ink colors, large white boards, baskets, folders, and bags and clipboards for keeping papers visible and organized. A classic Visualizer would enjoy nothing more than an afternoon in an art supply store with an unlimited budget to spend!
There is just one productivity system that really works, right? Just like one size fits all t-shirts do not fit all, there is not just one productivity system that really works.
Four out of five women don’t shower every day – Telegraph
Survey finds almost two thirds can’t be bothered removing make-up before they go to bed, and one in eight don’t brush their teeth
Democricide | Why Democracy Always Fails
Stefan Molyneux explains why democracy always fails – and will always fail. Freedomain Radio is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by s…