Sweden Almost Triples Refugee Estimates as System Buckles
Sweden is being overwhelmed in its efforts to absorb a record number of asylum seekers looking for refuge inside its borders.

Sweden Almost Triples Refugee Estimates as System Buckles
Sweden is being overwhelmed in its efforts to absorb a record number of asylum seekers looking for refuge inside its borders.
Trump is doing to W. what Obama should have long ago. Fixing the History books once and for all. Period.
Democratic Debate Cold Open | SNL
Hillary Clinton (Kate McKinnon), Bernie Sanders (Larry David), Jim Webb (Alec Baldwin), Lincoln Chafee (Kyle Mooney) and Martin O’Malley (Taran Killam) face …
Snake Oil Supplements | Information is Beautiful
Scientific evidence for health supplements – latest 2015 update
Ocelot sharpening his nails for 2 minutes straight. Because you never know when you will need sharp nails
Teaching Eren about Programming. It’s best to start when they’re young, am I right? He seems to enjoy the cartoon more though
doubling down …
Donald Trump blames George W. Bush for 9/11
Read more at http://www.breitbart.com/Columnists/Charlie-Spiering
“If you look at the gestation period of the human female, it’s basically about 295 days; not from the date of missed period, but from when you actually got pregnant; that’s the number that matters here.”
The reason why every medical delivery estimate is actually invalid.
Neil deGrasse Tyson Full Moon Effects
A short exceprt from his Keynote presentation at the Amazing Meeting 6 in Las Vegas, NV. Many people believe that the Full Moon causing people to do un norma…
1 Week Old Kittens Rescued
These 2 unfortunate kittens were found alone in the Texas heat. This episode of Vet Ranch was sponsored by Hill Science Diet. Learn how to keep your pets hea…