Eating Breakfast with Eren
Eating Breakfast with Eren

Phew .. My Core i7 is running at 100% CPU .. Video encoding .. Haven’t made my CPU work this hard since I got it a few years ago ..
The very same verse; the very same sentence that rejects the consumption of the “flesh of swine” also rejects all other meat that hasn’t been blessed.
I admire the tenacity with which bacon is rejected by the “pious” while they munch on McDonald’s, Burger King, Carl’s Jr., In-N-Out, Chipotle, (pretty much every food place in he USA), etc.
Being rejected by an authority figure is tough when you spent your years peddling the authority of that figure.
When you feel that a lack of available quotes inspires you to have to paraphrase somebody you should accept that is your bias speaking on behalf of the subject.
An understanding of what “is” is is required before understanding what “is” implies.
Basically … I’m about to sound like an idiot