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The way that Bernie folded and endorsed Hillary demonstrates…

The way that Bernie folded and endorsed Hillary demonstrates clearly that he would have never delivered the change he promised in the first place .. You all deluded yourselves ..


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Super PACs working for the DNC and Hillary Clinton’s…

Super PACs working for the DNC and Hillary Clinton's...

Super PACs working for the DNC and Hillary Clinton’s campaign are responsible for inciting violence at Trump rallies ..

That’s the Democratic Party for you .. A complete lack of ethics ..

Going on and on about “voluntary” inappropriate behavior between women and Trump (yes that includes the Miss Teen USA contestants who knowingly volunteered to be in a modeling beauty pageant that includes a swimsuit/bikini competition and continued to do so for a decade after the revelation on the Howard Stern show) as if that sort of voluntary behavior constitutes any sort of ethical violation ..

Democrats have no ethical foundation .. They are corrupt thieves that don’t contribute to society one iota .. They vote for whatever benefits them personally while accusing the other guy of greed .. They are holier than thou where they pretend to care about “the issues” but in reality incite violence in hopes of appealing to the emotional ignorance of their supporters .. Their solutions to healthcare, poverty, and education, have created a failing obamacare, misery, and ignorance.

Their standard bearer is a criminal that should have been charged with corruption, among many other charges, by the FBI .. Theft, Arms smuggling, Quid Pro Quo, Inciting Rebellion, Creating the biggest refugee crisis in history, Voting for war, Inciting War ..

But oh no, Donald Trump walked into the dressing room of his beauty contestants who volunteered for a Beauty Pageant that includes a Bikini Competition broadcast on national TV .. He should be disqualified for that ..

Democrats now want to be able to tell everyone else who they should and shouldn’t vote for ..

That’s a new one ..

“FOVAL: So one of the things we do is we stage very authentic grassroots protests right in their faces at their own events. Like, we infiltrate. And then we get it on tape. And then, when our guys get beat up —

Project Veritas: You mean authentic-seeming grassroots?

FOVAL: No, authentic.

PV: You mean —

FOVAL: Protesters.

PV: So like — progressive, what we saw in Madison.

FOVAL: We train up our people, wherever they are, to — and I work with a network of groups, we train them up on how to get themselves into a situation on tape, on camera, that we can use later.

PV: So some of this, so I probably know your work.

FOVAL: I know you do. Everybody does. But —

PV: You mean like a situation where it’s sort of like a —

FOVAL: You remember the Iowa State Fair thing where Scott Walker grabbed the sign out of the dude’s hand and then the dude gets kind of roughed up right in front of the stage right there on camera?

PV: Yeah.

FOVAL: That was all us. The guy that got roughed up is my counterpart, who works for Bob [Creamer].

PV: And that was like, storyboarded? Him getting roughed up like that?

FOVAL: We scenarioed it.

PV: And so you, like leant yourselves to that situation and it happened. A self-fulfilling prophecy.

FOVAL: We not only leant ourselves, we planted multiple people in that front area around him and in the back to make sure there wasn’t just a action that happened up front, there was also a reaction that happened out back. So the cameras, when they saw it, saw double angles of stuff like, they saw what happened up front, and they saw the reaction of people out back.

PV: That’s fucking brilliant. That’s brilliant.

FOVAL: And then the reporters had people to talk to.”

Rigging the Election – Video I: Clinton Campaign and DNC Incite Violence at Trump Rallies

In this explosive new video from Project Veritas Action, a Democratic dirty tricks operative unwittingly provides a dark money trail to the DNC and Clinton c…


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Rocket Strikes on ISIS targets in Mosul

Rocket Strikes on ISIS targets in Mosul

Rocket Strikes on ISIS targets in Mosul ..

News This Second on Twitter

“Rocket Strikes on ISIS targets #Mosul #MosulOffensive


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Liberation of Mosul, Iraq from ISIS by Iraqi and…

Liberation of Mosul, Iraq from ISIS by Iraqi and...

Liberation of Mosul, Iraq from ISIS by Iraqi and Kurdish armies in progress ..

Iraqi national army on Twitter

“Mosul now #MosulOps #Iraq #Mosul #Iraqi_army_forpeace


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Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Campaign is financed by “Foreign Agents…

Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Campaign is financed by “Foreign Agents Representing the Interests of Foreign Powers” ..

Below are a couple of email exchanges that took place within the inner circle of her campaign where they discuss the following:

1) Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State readily took money from foreign agents representing foreign powers for her Clinton Foundation. (quid pro quo, pay to play, favors, etc.)
2) Barack Obama did NOT take foreign money and it made his interaction with foreign powers more difficult and resulted in “eye rolling” and “ill will”.
3) Both Hillary Clinton’s primary campaign and general election campaign are financed by foreign agents representing foreign powers.
4) The foreign powers financing Hillary Clinton’s campaign include Iraq, Azerbaijan, Egypt, Libya, UAE, among many many others. Partial list, including the name of the lobbyist and organization, is in the email.
5) Hillary Clinton is a brain dead puppet who is not involved in any day to day decision making. Her campaign makes all the decisions for her without consulting her. Hillary Clinton found out that her campaign was taking FARA money by reading it in the “paper”.
6) After finding out that her campaign was taking FARA money, according to Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton was OK with it and just wanted to weigh in.

Hillary Clinton only cares about one thing. Her bottom line. Enriching herself by using American power to do the bidding of foreign interests.

“We really need make a policy decision on this soon – whether we are allowing those lobbying on behalf of foreign governments to raise $ for the campaign. Or case by case.” – Dennis Cheng, National Finance Director of the Presidential Campaign of Hillary Clinton

“If we were looking at these folks below on a case by case basis, I’d want to specifically raise: Tony Podesta (Iraq, Azerbaijan, Egypt), Ben Barnes (Libya), John Merrigan (UAE), Wyeth Weidman (Libya), and Mike Driver (UAE connections)” – Karuna Seshasai, Campaign Staff of the Presidential Campaign of Hillary Clinton

“The policy would be to not allow any currently registered foreign agents (those who register with FARA) to contribute or raise for the campaign. If someone terminates their registration, they would be allowed to contribute or raise for the campaign.” – Karuna Seshasai, Campaign Staff of the Presidential Campaign of Hillary Clinton

“I do want to push back a bit (it’s my job!): I feel like we are leaving a good amount of money on the table (both for primary and general, and then DNC and state parties)… and how do we explain to people that we’ll take money from a corporate lobbyist but not them; that the Foundation takes $ from foreign govts but we now won’t.” – Dennis Cheng, National Finance Director of the Presidential Campaign of Hillary Clinton

“Responding to all on this. I was not on the call this morning, but I lean away from a bright line rule here. It seems odd to say that someone who represents Alberta, Canada can’t give, but a lobbyist for Phillip Morris can. Just as we vet lobbyists case by case, I would do the same with FARA. While this may lead to a large number of FARA registrants being denied, it would not be a flat our ban. A total ban feels arbitrary and will engender the same eye-rolling and ill will that it did for Obama.” – Marc Elias, General Counsel of the Presidential Campaign of Hillary Clinton

“If we do it case by case, then it will be subjective. We would look at who the donor is and what foreign entity they are registered for. In judging whether to take the money, we would consider the relationship between that country and the United States, its relationship to the State Department during Hillary’s time as Secretary, and its relationship, if any, to the Foundation.” – Marc Elias, General Counsel of the Presidential Campaign of Hillary Clinton

“Hi all – we really need to make a final decision on this. We’re getting to the point of no return…” – Dennis Cheng, National Finance Director of the Presidential Campaign of Hillary Clinton

“Marc made a convincing case to me this am that these sorts of restrictions don’t really get you anything…that Obama actually got judged MORE harshly as a result. He convinced me. So…in a complete U-turn, I’m ok just taking the money and dealing with any attacks. Are you guys ok with that?” – Robby Mook, Campaign Manager for the Presidential Campaign of Hillary Clinton

“Take the money!!” – Jennifer Palmieri, Director of Communications of the Presidential Campaign of Hillary Clinton

“HRC read in paper that we are taking FARA money >> We are going to discuss today in Elias meeting >> talked to Elias >> Flagging for you” – Huma Abedin, Vice Chairwoman of the Presidential Campaign of Hillary Clinton

“She doesn’t want to?” – Robby Mook, Campaign Manager for the Presidential Campaign of Hillary Clinton

“she just didnt know that we had decided to accept it wanted to know who the individuals are and wants to weigh in karuna sending list for meeting” – Huma Abedin, Vice Chairwoman of the Presidential Campaign of Hillary Clinton


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“Eighty Americans from 42 ethnic groups were named yesterday…

"Eighty Americans from 42 ethnic groups were named yesterday...

“Eighty Americans from 42 ethnic groups were named yesterday as recipients of the Ellis Island Medal of Honor by the Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation.”

“Those named yesterday were selected from more than 15,000 nominations. The winners, a mixture of prominent and relatively unknown citizens, were screened by the National Ethnic Coalition of Organizations, which was selected for the work by the foundation.”

“The ELLIS ISLAND MEDALS OF HONOR are awarded annually to a group of distinguished American citizens who exemplify a life dedicated to community service. These are individuals who preserve and celebrate the history, traditions and values of their ancestry while exemplifying the values of the American way of life, and who are dedicated to creating a better world for us all.”

1986: Trump, Rosa Parks, Muhammad Ali received ‘Ellis Island’ award

No one accused Donald Trump of being a racist until he decided to run for president and became a threat to Hillary Clinton’s return to power. In 1986, Trump joined several other prominent Americans, such as Rosa Parks and Muhammad Ali, as recipients of an ‘Ellis Island Award.’ One suspects if Trump…


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Government K-12 and record number of Bachelor Degrees have…

Government K-12 and record number of Bachelor Degrees have given us Trump vs. Hillary ..

How do you feel about your public education system, America?

Haha .. It’s funny ..


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In July of 2016, US backed “Free Syrian Army”…

In July of 2016, US backed "Free Syrian Army"...

In July of 2016, US backed “Free Syrian Army” “moderate” rebels captured a Palestinian kid, accused him of being a member of Liwa al-Quds, a Sunni Palestinian sunni nationalist group working with Assad, and beheaded him.

Video is extremely graphic.

Harakat Nour al-Din al-Zenki is the Islamist rebel group that beheaded the boy; they are part of of the Islamist joint operation Jaish al-Fatah, which also include Jabhat al-Nusra, Jund al-Aqsa, and Ahrar al-Sham; all known Islamist terror groups.

Jaish al-Fatah is the Islamist join operation that continues to control eastern Aleppo and refuses to surrender.

Look them up on Wikipedia.

These are the “moderate” rebels that Hillary armed and supported in order to oppose Assad, who is a secular nationalist. These are the rebels that Hillary, as President, wants to arm even further in order to topple Assad.

You should really rethink your position.

Têkoşîn on Twitter

“US backed #FSA “moderate rebels” capture a Palestinian kid, accuse him of being pro-Assad & then behead him. 18+


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Syrian War Report – October 14, 2016: Northern Aleppo…

Syrian War Report – October 14, 2016: Northern Aleppo...

Syrian War Report – October 14, 2016: Northern Aleppo Falls Into Hands of Syrian Army

If you’re able, and if you like our content and approach, please support the project. Our work wouldn’t be possible without your help: PayPal: southfront@lis…


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Understand ..

The rich are getting richer because of government and central bank policy and not because they are greedy .. Greed is rate limited by a competitive market .. Free government money isn’t ..

Not only that, but you support this government and central bank policy because you’re afraid of recessions, depressions, unemployment, and you support welfare, unfunded liabilities, obamacare, government spending, and so forth ..

You’re blaming the wrong people ..
You should be blaming yourself ..

“According to the latest report from the Danish Economic Council, a fiscal policy watchdog made up of academics commonly known as the “wise men,” years of ultra low rates have benefited the rich more than the poor.”

“The argument that monetary easing exacerbates inequality is not new and is far from settled. A June 2015 study by economists at Brugel, a Brussels-based think tank, noted that “low interest rates, asset purchases and other accommodative monetary policy measures tend to increase asset prices and thereby benefit the wealthier segments of society, at least in the short-term.””

Land With Longest Stretch of Negative Rates Finds Rich Are Getting Richer Faster

A report by the Danish Economic Council says low rates have deepened inequality
