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“Welcome back to the resistance, bitches” .. Haha, well…

"Welcome back to the resistance, bitches" .. Haha, well...

“Welcome back to the resistance, bitches” .. Haha, well said ..

DEAR LIBERAL FRIENDS: We need to talk about President Trump…

From a former liberal to *a lot of* the current ones…it’s time for a heart-to-heart. I am not a Trump supporter by choice or default. I’m also not a Republ…


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As I said before, until Hispanics flip Texas, the…

As I said before, until Hispanics flip Texas, the...

As I said before, until Hispanics flip Texas, the Latino vote doesn’t matter. The Muslim vote most certainly doesn’t matter. The African American vote matters greatly, which is why Trump did his absolute best not to offend them. This is still a white country, so if you’re going to be waging war on “whiteness”, expect to lose more elections.

Record Latino vote turnout not enough to give Hillary a win

Latino voters were supposed to be Hillary Clinton’s secret weapon to win the White House — but even high turnout by voters in the fastest-growing US minority wasn’t enough for her to seal the deal. The Latino vote “was no doubt a record, but we have to wait until April or May to have the


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The future of the Democratic party is not Sanders…

The future of the Democratic party is not Sanders, Warren, or Ellison, but Tulsi Gabbard .. You heard it here first ..


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“Hope and Change” becomes “Trust but Verify”

"Hope and Change" becomes "Trust but Verify"

“Hope and Change” becomes “Trust but Verify” ..

“Trump’s win may have already shifted the course of the Russian-backed military campaign in Aleppo. A senior pro-Assad official told Reuters that plans to capture the rebel-held east by January were shaped around an assumption Clinton would win.”

“Trump has struck a different tone to current U.S. policy on some aspects of the multi-sided Syrian conflict, where the United States with allies Turkey and Saudi Arabia has backed some of the insurgents who have been fighting to topple Assad for more than five years.”

“Trump has questioned the wisdom of backing rebels, played down the U.S. goal of getting Assad to leave power, and noted that while he didn’t like him, “Assad is killing ISIS” with Iran and Russia. ISIS is an acronym for Islamic State.”

“The war has shattered Syria into a patchwork of areas controlled by Assad’s state, rebels battling to topple him, a powerful Kurdish militia, and the Islamic State group. It has killed hundreds of thousands of people, and created the world’s worst refugee crisis.”

“Russian President Vladimir Putin would “certainly have a different approach towards the entire Syrian crisis based on what will happen with Trump”.”

Damascus, allies upbeat on Trump win, await his policies

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his allies hope to benefit from Donald Trump’s election win, believing it has saved them from the risks of an interventionist Clinton administration.


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“You aren’t scared of Trump the person. Trump has…

"You aren’t scared of Trump the person. Trump has...

“You aren’t scared of Trump the person. Trump has been on this earth for 70 years and other than a general distaste for him, no one ever feared for their life because Trump walked the earth. He could do what he wanted because he didn’t affect your life. He had no control over you. What you fear is the power he now wields.”

“What if government had no power over your personal life? What if Trump could make all the threats he wanted, but had no means to act on his evil desires? See, everyone loves the benevolent dictator or even a brutal one, as long as his wrath is pointed in the other direction.”

“Everyone loves the advancement of their own personal agenda, as long as the not so nice parts are pointed elsewhere. We are far too quick to trade our freedoms and liberties on the promise that our compassionate leaders will crush our evil opposition. But every power used to control our political and social enemies can also be used to control us.”

“As libertarians, we believe the government has no business in telling you what you can buy, who you can love, or who you can associate with.”

“Our philosophy is simple and just – we don’t hurt people and we don’t take their stuff.”

You’re Afraid of Power, Not Trump | Jason Stapleton

We are far too quick to give up freedom for the promise that our compassionate leaders will crush our evil opposition. But every power used to control our political and social enemies can also be used to control us.


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“Slavoj Žižek, Hegelian philosopher, Lacanian psychoanalyst, political activist, international…

"Slavoj Žižek, Hegelian philosopher, Lacanian psychoanalyst, political activist, international...

“Slavoj Žižek, Hegelian philosopher, Lacanian psychoanalyst, political activist, international director of the Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities, professor of German at New York University and the author of Refugees, Terror and Other Troubles with the Neighbors: Against the Double Blackmail (Melville House, 2016), discusses his new book about the refugee crisis and terrorism on a global scale.”

Slavoj Žižek on Trump, Capitalism, and the Left’s Global Crisis | 10th November 2016 | WNYC Radio

Slavoj Žižek, Hegelian philosopher, Lacanian psychoanalyst, political activist, international director of the Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities, professo…


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Obama increased droning, wiretapping, spying, data collection, secrecy, international…

Obama increased droning, wiretapping, spying, data collection, secrecy, international...

Obama increased droning, wiretapping, spying, data collection, secrecy, international conflicts, covert activities, went after whistle blowers, etc.

But you all let it slide, didn’t hold him accountable, and gave him a free ride because, well, because it was Obama ..

I told you so, the next guy won’t be Obama .. Nope, the next guy is Trump ..

Now you’re going to spend the next 8 years crying about how Trump is acting like a dictator and your civil rights are under attack ..

“Liberals liked executive authority as long as Obama wielded it. Now they’ve set a precedent.”

“Trump will command not only a massive nuclear arsenal and the most robust military in history, but also the ability to wage numerous wars in secret and without congressional authorization; a ubiquitous system of electronic surveillance that can reach most forms of human communication and activity; and countless methods for shielding himself from judicial accountability, congressional oversight and the rule of law”

“Blinded by the belief that Obama was too benevolent and benign to abuse his office, and drowning in partisan loyalties at the expense of political principles, Democrats consecrated this framework with their acquiescence and, often, their explicit vocal approval. This is the unrestrained set of powers Trump will inherit.”

Glenn Greenwald: Trump will have vast powers. He can thank Democrats for them.

Liberals liked executive authority as long as Obama wielded it. Now they’ve set a precedent.


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Some insight into what Trump means for the economy…

Some insight into what Trump means for the economy

Some insight into what Trump means for the economy ..

Making America Great Again will be much harder than voters think

The Schiff Report with Peter Schiff 11/9/2016 Sign up for my free newsletter: Peter Schiff Gold News: http://ww


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When you have to chant “peaceful protest” to remind…

When you have to chant "peaceful protest" to remind...

When you have to chant “peaceful protest” to remind protesters that it’s a peaceful protest ..

Mike Bivins on Twitter

“This happened. #TrumpRiot


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They say love trumps hate .. I love the…

They say love trumps hate .. I love the...

They say love trumps hate .. I love the smell of love in the evening ..

Mike Bivins on Twitter

“Group is leveling the pearl. I’m in shock. #TrumpRiot
