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Time to put an end to Hillary and Obama’s…

Time to put an end to Hillary and Obama's...

Time to put an end to Hillary and Obama’s new Cold War and work towards nuclear disarmament again ..

“World leaders have reacted with disbelief to the surprise election of Donald Trump as US president – and Russian President Vladimir Putin has become one of the first to congratulate the Republican on his win.”

“Putin has sent Donald Trump a telegram of congratulation.”

“In a brief statement, the Kremlin said Putin expressed ‘his hope to work together for removing Russian-American relations from their crisis state’.”

“Putin also said he has ‘confidence that building a constructive dialogue between Moscow and Washington that is based on principles of equality, mutual respect and a real accounting each other’s positions, in the interests of our peoples and the world community’.”

Trump – the world reacts:Disbelief at The Donald’s victory

World leaders have reacted with shock at the surprise election of Donald Trump as US President. A senior German politician has described it as a ‘huge shock’, while it was welcomed in Moscow.


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Hillary did it to herself .. She used the…

Hillary did it to herself .. She used the...

Hillary did it to herself .. She used the media to promote Donald Trump during the GOP primary .. She didn’t expect to be trounced during the general election by him ..

This is how Hillary wins (loses) elections ..


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Hillary went to bed .. Isn’t accepting the results…

Hillary went to bed .. Isn’t accepting the results .. Didn’t concede .. She wants to keep us in suspense .. Classy ..

Updated: She conceded .. Trump won ..

“Donald Trump has refused to promise that he’ll accept the results of his race against Hillary Clinton. “I’ll keep you in suspense,” he said Wednesday at the third presidential debate.”


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While Trump is still ahead .. Just in case…

While Trump is still ahead .. Just in case...

While Trump is still ahead .. Just in case he loses, before the fat lady has sung .. Let me quickly post one more ..


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I’m sorry to report that nobody unfriended me during…

I’m sorry to report that nobody unfriended me during this election cycle .. I’m disappointed since I did my best to be offensive ..


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My real choice in the 2016 election was John…

My real choice in the 2016 election was John...

My real choice in the 2016 election was John McAfee .. He didn’t win the Libertarian nomination ..

John McAfee Opening Statement

Here is John McAfee’s awesome opening statement in the first nationally televised Libertarian Debate ever, hosted by John Stossel.


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If you’re still undecided perhaps you don’t have the…

If you’re still undecided perhaps you don’t have the mental capacity to vote and should just abstain ..


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The final battle begins

The final battle begins

The final battle begins ..
