Project manager Paul Ryan came up short .. Ryan, you’re fired!
Month: March 2017
Trump tweets “Watch @JudgeJeanine on @FoxNews tonight at 9:00 P.M.”
Judge Jeanine’s opening statement. “Paul Ryan needs to step down as Speaker of the House.”
Judge Jeanine Opener
NSA Whistleblower William Binney’s thoughts on illegal domestic NSA surveillance ..
Tucker Carlson And Bill Binney NSA Whistleblower Trump Was Right On Wiretap
ECB is handing out another €233 billion euros at 0% interest to European banks .. Eurozone is insolvent but too big to fail ..
This is where income inequality comes from .. Free money for the well connected .. Banks don’t have to solicit the middle class for capital at higher rates because they have access to 0% rates at central banks .. The middle class has been relinquished of their role as savers, but are expected to continue in their role as consumers ..
Why the FBI/DHS claim that Russia hacked the DNC is flawed ..
“The FBI/DHS Joint Analysis Report (JAR) “Grizzly Steppe” was released yesterday as part of the White House’s response to alleged Russian government interference in the 2016 election process.”
“It merely listed every threat group ever reported on by a commercial cybersecurity company that is suspected of being Russian-made and lumped them under the heading of Russian Intelligence Services (RIS) without providing any supporting evidence that such a connection exists.”
“A common misconception of “threat group” is that refers to a group of people. It doesn’t.”
“As security researchers, what we call “the Sednit group” is merely a set of software and the related network infrastructure, which we can hardly correlate with any specific organization.”
“Unlike Crowdstrike, ESET doesn’t assign APT28/Fancy Bear/Sednit to a Russian Intelligence Service or anyone else for a very simple reason. Once malware is deployed, it is no longer under the control of the hacker who deployed it or the developer who created it. It can be reverse-engineered, copied, modified, shared and redeployed again and again by anyone.”
“It is both foolish and baseless to claim, as Crowdstrike does, that X-Agent is used solely by the Russian government when the source code is there for anyone to find and use at will.”
FBI/DHS Joint Analysis Report: A Fatally Flawed Effort
The FBI/DHS Joint Analysis Report (JAR) “Grizzly Steppe” offers no evidence to support the White House sanctions against Russia.
When you’re going too fast for Facebook ..
Nunes update on incidental collection, distribution, and unmasking of Trump team ..
Devin Nunes Press Conference On President Trump Surveillance & Inviting NSA & Fbi Directr 3/24/1
This morning House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes held a short press conference on Capitol Hill to disclose some additional information surround…
“We’re going to win with trade .. We’re going to win with health .. We’re going to win on so many levels .. We’re going to win, win, win, you’re going to get so tired of winning .. You’re going to say ‘Mr. President, please, we don’t want to win anymore, it’s too much’ .. And I’m going to say ‘I’m sorry, we’re going to keep winning, because we’re going to make America great again’ ..”
Trump. funniest moment. You’ll be tired of winning. We’ll win win win. (blue T-shirt man reaction)
Trump..funniest moment. You will be tired of winning. We will win win win. Notice reaction of the blue T-shirt man.
“Hello, Bob,” Trump began. “So, we just pulled it.”
“We couldn’t get one Democratic vote, and we were a little bit shy, very little, but it was still a little bit shy, so we pulled it,” Trump said.
“As you know, I’ve been saying for years that the best thing is to let Obamacare explode and then go make a deal with the Democrats and have one unified deal. And they will come to us; we won’t have to come to them,” he said. “After Obamacare explodes.”
“The beauty,” Trump continued, “is that they own Obamacare. So when it explodes, they come to us, and we make one beautiful deal for the people.”
“Hey, we could have done this,” he said. “But we couldn’t get one Democrat vote, not one. So that means they own Obamacare and when that explodes, they will come to us wanting to save whatever is left, and we’ll make a real deal.”
Trump brought up the vote count. “We were close,” he said.
“You’re right,” Trump said. “I’m a team player, but I’ve also said the best thing politically is to let Obamacare explode.”
“No, not tough,” Trump said. “It’s just life. We had great support among most Republicans but no Democratic votes. Zero. Not one.”
“I don’t blame Paul,” Trump said.
“I don’t blame Paul at all.”
“Time will tell. Obamacare is in for some rough days. You understand that. It’s in for some rough, rough days,” Trump said.
“I’ll fix it as it explodes,” he said. “They’re going to come to ask for help. They’re going to have to. Here’s the good news: Health care is now totally the property of the Democrats.”
“To be honest, the biggest losers today are Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer,” Trump said of the House minority leader and the Senate minority leader. “Because now they own the disaster known as Obamacare.”
“Look, I’m a team player,” Trump said of the Republican Party. “I’ve played this team. I’ve played with the team. And they just fell a little bit short, and it’s very hard when you need almost 100 percent of the votes and we have no votes, zero, from the Democrats. It’s unheard of.”
“Ah, that’s the big question,” Trump said with a slight chuckle. “Don’t know. I have a good relationship with [The Freedom Caucus], but I couldn’t get them. They just wouldn’t do it.”
“Years of hatred and distrust,” he said. “Long before me.”
“I think they made a mistake, but that’s okay,” Trump said of the Freedom Caucus.
“A lot of people might say that,” Trump said, laughing. “We’ll end up with a better health-care plan. A great plan. And you wouldn’t need the Freedom Caucus.”
“They [Democrats] own it,” he said.
Perspective | ‘Hello, Bob’: President Trump called my cellphone to say that the health-care bill was dead
“So, we just pulled it,” Trump said of he bill he had touted.