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Oh come on. They’re not Anarchists. They’re Anarcho-Communists

Oh come on. They're not Anarchists. They're Anarcho-Communists

Oh come on. They’re not Anarchists. They’re Anarcho-Communists.

“The only time they show the crowds is when there’s a disrupter or an anarchist in the room. I call them anarchists. Because, believe me, we have plenty of anarchists. They don’t want to talk about the anarchists.” – Trump

Communists, always giving Anarchists a bad name.

FULL SPEECH: President Donald Trump Holds MASSIVE Rally in Phoenix, AZ 8/22/17

Tuesday, August 22, 2017: RSBN’s Steve Lookner, Margaret Howell and Liz Willis will be on hand as President Donald J. Trump holds a rally at the Phoenix Conv…


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Afghan-Americans support Trump’s troop increase because they smell an…

Afghan-Americans support Trump’s troop increase because they smell an opportunity for more $200k translator positions.


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This is the fight that never ends

This is the fight that never ends
It just goes on and on my friends
Some people started fighting it, not knowing what it was
And they’ll continue fighting it forever just because
This is the fight that never ends


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Rand Paul

Rand Paul

Rand Paul ..

“The mission in Afghanistan has lost its purpose, and I think it is a terrible idea to send any more troops into that war. It’s time to come home now.”

“The Afghanistan war going beyond its original mission has an enormous cost. First and most important is the cost to our troops. Deaths, injuries and unnecessary deployments causing harm to families are certainly the most important reason as to why you don’t go to wars that aren’t necessary.”

“Then comes the taxpayer. We have spent over $1 trillion in Afghanistan, and nearly $5 trillion on Middle East wars in the past 15 years. Would we not be better off with $5 trillion less in debt or using these funds in other, more productive ways?”

“Nation-building should not be our job, and it has consistently been a fool’s errand for us, particularly in this region. There is no reason to believe we can do it in Afghanistan, and certainly no reason to believe we can do it without a permanent, costly presence in the country.”

OPINION | Sen. Rand Paul: 16 years on, it’s past time to bring our troops home from Afghanistan

OPINION | If the president and my colleagues want to continue the war in Afghanistan, then at the very least Congress should vote on it.


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The United States presence in Afghanistan is a welfare…

The United States presence in Afghanistan is a welfare...

The United States presence in Afghanistan is a welfare program for the corrupt Afghan government officials. The path to redemption for Afghanistan lies through personal responsibility and self ownership of the country. Throwing more good money after “sunk cost” bad money feeds the corruption, creates more dependency, attracts more terrorists, and helps nobody.

“The United States government has invested more than $160 million since 2009 on a failed program to combat the endemic corruption that continues to plague one of the largest revenue sources for the Afghan government, the cash-based system to collect customs duties on goods entering Afghanistan, reveals a U.S. watchdog agency.”

“For years, Afghanistan has failed to collect enough revenue to meet its budgetary obligations, relying heavily on donor support, primarily the United States, which alone has devoted an estimated $714 billion to the Afghan war since it began in October 2001.”

““Afghanistan’s projected domestic revenues for the current fiscal year [2017] are only expected to account for about 38 percent of the Afghan government’s budgeted costs, with donors (of which the U.S. government is the largest) providing the remaining 62 percent,” points out the inspector general.”

Report: U.S. Wasted $160 Million to Improve Afghanistan’s Corrupt Customs Payment System – Breitbart

The United States government has invested more than $160 million since 2009 on a failed program to combat endemic corruption in Afghanistan.


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Trump read his Afghanistan War escalation speech from a…

Trump read his Afghanistan War escalation speech from a teleprompter.

So Presidential.


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“In Donald Trump’s old gambling houses, no player doubled…

"In Donald Trump’s old gambling houses, no player doubled...

“In Donald Trump’s old gambling houses, no player doubled down on a six. In Donald Trump’s White House, the president looks to double down on his soft hand in Afghanistan. That’s a bad bet.”

“The United States began bombing Afghanistan sixteen years ago this October. The mission—to kill those who killed Americans on 9/11 and uproot from power those who gave them safe harbor—meshed neatly with parochial concerns of national interest and broader concerns of justice. We overthrew the Taliban and killed Osama bin Laden. We won. But we stayed, which, six years after the death of bin Laden, makes about as much sense as fighting World War II in 1951, long after the arrival of Fat Man and Little Boy and the departure of Funny Mustache Guy made the point moot.”

“George W. Bush, who stood before a “Mission Accomplished” banner in 2003 on an aircraft carrier that had just returned from Iraq, strangely never declared victory in Afghanistan. Neither did Barack Obama. Donald Trump, given the opportunity to end a war, instead expands it.”

“The Soviet Union spent merely a decade in Afghanistan. Everyone outside of Russia, and many within it, regarded it as a quagmire. Within a year of their belated withdrawal, the Evil Empire lost its empire in Eastern Europe. Within three years, the Soviet Union collapsed.”

“[Trump] maintains that “victory will have a clear definition” but admits that “it is up to the people of Afghanistan … to achieve an everlasting peace.” “We cannot repeat in Afghanistan the mistake our leaders made in Iraq,” he says in one breath, while using most of his other breaths to argue for a war with an end—presumably, there is an end—dependent on objectives outside of the control of the American armed forces. He speaks of the bad “consequences of a rapid exit” a few lines after acknowledging Afghanistan as “the longest war in American history” (What would constitute a protracted exit in the commander-in-chief’s mind?). The president claims “we will not talk about numbers of troops” after “senior officials” told Fox News and other outlets that he approved sending 4,000 more troops to Afghanistan. He knows what we want to hear but does not do what we want him to do.”

““I was given a bad and very complex hand,” the president insists. But there’s nothing complex about a bad hand. You don’t double down”

“Donald Trump wins no fans among his interventionist detractors in losing the ideals of caution that helped put him in the White House .. The people who hate Donald Trump will never like Donald Trump.”

“Everyone gets this but the president.”

Flynn: An Old Casino King Doubles Down on a Bad Hand in Afghanistan


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In the end, it turns out Steve Bannon was…

In the end, it turns out Steve Bannon was all we had.

No timetables. No troop levels. No strategy.


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Postmodernism and The End of History

Postmodernism and The End of History

Postmodernism and The End of History ..

“Baltimore’s 225-year-old monument to Christopher Columbus, said to be the oldest in the country and the world dedicated to the explorer that is still standing, has been severely vandalized.”

““Racism: Tear it down,” one sign leaning on the monument base says. “The future is racial and economic justice,” said another sign that was lying in the grass.”

Columbus statue in Baltimore vandalized | Baltimore Brew

Aimed at explorer’s role in “genocide and exploitation,” vandals say, action follows city’s removal of Confederate monuments.


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An Antifa manual for Antifa members in training and…

An Antifa manual for Antifa members in training and...

An Antifa manual for Antifa members in training and...

An Antifa manual for Antifa members in training and...

An Antifa manual for Antifa members in training and...

An Antifa manual for Antifa members in training and...

An Antifa manual for Antifa members in training and...

An Antifa manual for Antifa members in training and Antifa sympathizers who have aspirational dreams of perhaps one day becoming members of this heroic group ..

“This is an ANTI-FASCIST or ANTIFA manual.” – Anonymous

I think page 2 is missing ..
