Puerto Rico should declare Independence. They’ll never be a state, have less debt than the US, and could issue their own currency.
Month: September 2017
In 2013, at its peak, The NFL had a…

In 2013, at its peak, The NFL had a viewership of 4,333,000 White Male adults and only 896,000 Black Male Adults.
In 2016, a CNN exit polls shows that Donald Trump won 62% of White Male voters.
NFL viewership and Donald Trump’s supporters overlap substantially.
It’s great that grown men who play with balls are protesting something meaningful.
I support whatever reduces NFL viewership.
$2.25 but desperate

Bill Clinton proposed per-capita block grants as an alternative to his opposition to per-state block grants ..

“How Block Grants Can Make Medicaid Work” – Paul Howard, Manhattan Institute For Policy Research
Will John McCain support his boyfriend Lindsey Graham’s “repeal” bill?

Party’s over .. QE is being rolled back in October .. For every dollar the Fed unwinds off its balance sheet a dollar will be taken out of the general money supply .. Every dollar has liabilities and derivatives sitting on top of it ..
“U.S. central bank announced it will begin to roll off its $4.5 trillion balance sheet in October.”
“Most of those assets consist of the Treasurys and mortgage-backed securities it acquired under a program known as quantitative easing.”
Fed approves October reversal of historic stimulus, leaves rates unchanged
The Fed was not expected to raise its benchmark interest rate at this week’s meeting.
3.2m stray pets but only 120k govt managed kids are adopted each year.
Govt interferes with efficient free market safety nets.