
“The Syrian Air Force L-39 pilot at low altitude greets [Major General] Issam Zahreddine and soldiers in DeirEzzor.”
The Syrian Air Force L-39 pilot at low altitude greets Issam Zahreddine and soldiers in #DeirEzzor. pic.twitter.com/jnkojFGhD2
— Military Advisor (@miladvisor) September 5, 2017
Illenium – Fortress (feat. Joni Fatora) (Just A Gent Remix)
Celebrations in Deir ez-Zor as liberation from a 3 year siege by ISIS is imminent.
Also from #DerEzzor, East #Syria: ''with our soul, and blood, we sacrifice ourselves for Bashar #Assad '' and "F*** your sister oh #ISIS" pic.twitter.com/SrPZX3DBMc
— Kevork Almassian
(@KevorkAlmassian) September 4, 2017
Britain decides, after 400k died and 12 million became refugees, that training “moderate” jihadist rebels to overthrow the government of Syria was actually a waste of time.
“Britain has quietly halted its training of Syrian rebels, reflecting growing acknowledgment among key opposition backers that President Bashar al-Assad has victory in his sights.”
Britain withdraws last of troops training Syrian rebels as world powers distance themselves from opposition
Britain has quietly halted its training of Syrian rebels, reflecting growing acknowledgment among key opposition backers that President Bashar al-Assad has victory in his sights.
Syria on the verge of liberating Deir ez-Zor, a city under siege by ISIS for over three years.
Bitcoin passed $4800 ..
With Hurricane Harvey producing destruction with a price tag in excess of $160 billion dollars and the inability by Americans to pay for their own bills it will be yet another inevitability that more debt will be incurred and these liabilities too will be thrown on top of the dollar.
There is no better way to preserve your capital from currency mismanagement than to buy bitcoin. And if you’re not going to, then you might as well give all your dollars to Harvey relief while they can still buy a roll of toilet paper.