Tech companies, the “Industry Giants” of our time, with a combined $3.3 trillion market cap, support regulating the Internet via “Net Neutrality”.
Because they believe in altruism.
Tech companies, the “Industry Giants” of our time, with a combined $3.3 trillion market cap, support regulating the Internet via “Net Neutrality”.
Because they believe in altruism.
Government created monopolies for the Robber Barons of the Gilded Age by regulating existing industries, erecting trader barriers, and keeping out competition.
The Robber Barons don’t sit in the Senate out of sheer boredom.
With all the clueless crypto kids entering the cryptocurrency market, let’s take a moment to remember what Bitcoin really is and why it came to exist.
Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of Bitcoin, left a clear message in the original block of the Bitcoin blockchain: “The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks”.
Bitcoin is not a get rich quick scheme. Bitcoin is a knife pointed at the financial sector and the government treasury departments.
All cryptocurrencies aren’t equal; they vary in their intent and design.
For example, Vitalik Buterin, the founder of Ethereum, an inflationary cryptocurrency moving away from a competitive trust-less design to a collaborative consensus driven one, was only 14 years old when the Global Financial Crisis and bailouts happened, and doesn’t harbor the same resentment.
He believes Ethereum and Government can coexist and that Ethereum technology has many government applications; he’s probably right and for that reason is probably going to win in the end. His currency being inflationary without a hard coded maximum supply will serve governments well when the time comes.
As one of his skeptical followers put it so well, “It seems ethereum became statalist/socialist/bankester crypto coin”.
It seems ethereum became statalist/socialist/bankester crypto coin
— GravitySucks (@Gravity5ucks) September 3, 2017
Or in the words of Julian Assange, whose Wikileaks foundation doesn’t accept Ethereum, “Bitcoin is the real Occupy Wall Street.”
Bitcoin is the real Occupy Wall Street.
— Defend Assange Campaign (@DefendAssange) December 15, 2017
Ethereum is not Bitcoin.
Bitcoin Genesis Block: The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks.
It would be great if the government mandated that Ethereum and Bitcoin Cash wealth be transferred to Bitcoin.
You know you’re filthy rich when you’d rather pay $1.29 for an mp3 than to download it from a torrent site.
Cleaning up all that dry dirty lung cancer inducing wildfire air.
Also, privatize the forests, and let the logging companies prevent their valuable commodity from wastefully being burnt to the ground, instead of ineffectively throwing firefighters, at cost, at the problem, after the fact.
Today, the Internet died.
Download and save all my Facebook posts for future reference while you can still afford to access them.