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Lifelike – Motion

Lifelike - Motion

Lifelike – Motion


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Bernie Sanders’ tax bill goes up under the GOP…

Bernie Sanders’ tax bill goes up under the GOP tax plan from $26,961 (13.1%) to $32,584 (15.8%). 😏

Pay up, comrade.


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Mission Accomplished. Time to leave, for once

Mission Accomplished. Time to leave, for once

Mission Accomplished. Time to leave, for once.

“Four hundred U.S. Marines will be leaving Syria soon after completing their mission to help defeat ISIS in Raqqa, which the terrorist group once claimed as its capital in Syria, coalition officials said Thursday.”

“”With the city liberated and ISIS on the run, the unit has been ordered home,” the Combined Joint Task Force for Operation Inherent Resolve said in a statement. “Its replacements have been called off.””

With Raqqa fight over, 400 US Marines leaving Syria

Four hundred U.S. Marines will be leaving Syria soon after completing their mission to help defeat ISIS in Raqqa, which the terrorist group once claimed as its capital in Syria, coalition officials said Thursday. “With the city liberated and ISIS on the run, the unit has been ordered home,” the…


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Repeat after me

Repeat after me.

On advice of counsel, I respectfully decline to answer and assert my 5th Amendment privilege.
