I’m also holding.
I’m also holding

Treasury yields rapidly rising.
Also, with 7 of 8 months of his presidency with yields near 0%, an example of why the Obama economic recovery was a fraud.
With free credit, even homeless people can afford iPhones.
The 105 launched “smart” missiles came out to a total of $313 million.
Educating these missiles costs money.
Game of Thrones plays out all around us yet everyone is waiting for the next season to start on HBO.
Lavrov claims Spiez Lab in Switzerland, an OPCW lab, submitted to OPCW a report that states the Skipral sample contained BZ, an incapacitating chemical used by the UK, in addition to A-234, a lethal chemical used by Russia.
Spiez does not deny this (even publishes Lavrov’s claim) nor comments on it but refers back to Porton Down, an OPCW lab in the UK.
Sergei and Yulia Skripal are still alive.
Two doctors who claim they worked at the Douma hospital where the alleged chemical attack took place claim that there was no chemical attack and no patients were treated for chemical injuries.
Instead they claim that two unidentified men with cameras ran into the crowded emergency room shouting “chemical attack” which scared patients into dousing water on each other creating the photo and video opportunity of people freaking out trying to wash “chemicals” off their bodies.
Oh look. We have a leak about Michael Cohen, Trump’s lawyer whose documents were recently raided by the FBI.
I wonder where this leaked information could have possibly come from. Surely not from the financial documents that the FBI just raided.
No doubt the FBI is doing their darnedest to protect those privileged client documents.
Trump Lawyer Michael Cohen Negotiated $1.6 Million Settlement for Top Republican Fundraiser
The 2017 deal was on behalf of Elliott Broidy, a businessman who faced allegations he impregnated a former Playboy model. It resembles a settlement Michael Cohen arranged involving President Trump and porn actress Stormy Daniels, which is now a topic of federal law-enforcement scrutiny.
The Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General, which is investigating corruption at the FBI, took out FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe.
Yes, while the FBI is investigating “Russia”, the OIG is investigating the FBI.