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“In 2019, Italy’s healthcare system was regarded, by World…

"In 2019, Italy's healthcare system was regarded, by World...

“In 2019, Italy’s healthcare system was regarded, by World Health Organization’s ranking, as the 2nd best in the world after France”.

Italy is at the bottom of the pack, and France is not far behind.

I’ve often pointed out that while socialized healthcare systems (which includes the US) may be fine for providing routine preventative care (insulin, statins, etc.) for chronic conditions to improve longevity, they suffer at any type of care affected by medical care rationing, or what many of you lovingly call “triage”.

The COVID-19 pandemic is not a viral disaster, but a disaster in socialized health care. The world is undertaking a collective bailout of their health care systems, to the tune of many trillions of dollars, mass detention, and general economic collapse.

With proper medical care, patient outcomes fare better. COVID-19 has therefore now challenged the world’s health care systems with a real world acute critical care stress test.

The chart includes all nations with over 2000 cases, as well as Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, and Mexico, sorted by lowest fatality rate to highest fatality rate. It’s a dynamic situation, and numbers change every day, but generally speaking, here you’ll see where you want to get treated the next time you need critical medical care.

"In 2019, Italy's healthcare system was regarded, by World...

“Italy’s healthcare, second best in the world”.


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