Dr. Fauci, his own words. What’s going on here?
Month: March 2020
I, Pencil by Leonard E. Read
Initial unemployment claims
Initial unemployment claims.
Massachusetts legalizes single use plastic bags. It turns out that reusable shopping bags harbor pathogens. Who knew.
Known for some time, actually: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/01/06/reusable-grocery-bag-germs/4341739/
Deregulation saves lives, keep it coming.
On a side note, at 10 cents a plastic bag, the plastic bag ban never stopped me from buying the new thicker plastic bags. Not only that, but I ended up buying additional plastic trash bags on top of that, which I didn’t have to before. Overall, I ended up using a greater volume of plastic in bags. Nice try, though.
“In 2019, Italy’s healthcare system was regarded, by World Health Organization’s ranking, as the 2nd best in the world after France”.
Italy is at the bottom of the pack, and France is not far behind.
I’ve often pointed out that while socialized healthcare systems (which includes the US) may be fine for providing routine preventative care (insulin, statins, etc.) for chronic conditions to improve longevity, they suffer at any type of care affected by medical care rationing, or what many of you lovingly call “triage”.
The COVID-19 pandemic is not a viral disaster, but a disaster in socialized health care. The world is undertaking a collective bailout of their health care systems, to the tune of many trillions of dollars, mass detention, and general economic collapse.
With proper medical care, patient outcomes fare better. COVID-19 has therefore now challenged the world’s health care systems with a real world acute critical care stress test.
The chart includes all nations with over 2000 cases, as well as Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, and Mexico, sorted by lowest fatality rate to highest fatality rate. It’s a dynamic situation, and numbers change every day, but generally speaking, here you’ll see where you want to get treated the next time you need critical medical care.
“Italy’s healthcare, second best in the world”.
Gallup poll: 60% approve of Trump’s response to COVID-19.
January 23rd
January 23rd.
I was just beginning to come down with a strong flu, one that lasted longer than any in recent memory. I had a persistent cough, itching in my lungs, and a painful sore throat. I had body aches, and felt like I’d been in a car accident.
I didn’t have a runny or stuffy nose, which I usually get when I’m sick, nor was I sneezing.
I did get a flu shot in October and remember thinking “I guess it didn’t work”.
Often when I get sick, I take a single DayQuil, and just continue working. This time though, I took multiple doses of two at a time, and called in sick. I was dizzy, had delirium, and slept through the weekend.
Once I recovered, I continued to have a cough for a couple of weeks, as my lungs felt like they had something in them that I was trying to clear. I was surprised by how long my lungs took to clear up.
China didn’t shut down travel from Wuhan until January 24th, and cases were reported as early as December, and presumed to have existed as early as November. The 19 in COVID-19 stands for 2019.
It’s possible many of us already had COVID-19.
We need an antibody test.
“Really strong flu season”.
“Really strong flu season”.
Some good news. Citrus Springs Charter School accepted Eren’s enrollment for the following school year. One less thing to worry about.
Out at Home Depot. Setting an example. Wear a mask.
You don’t ban sex to stop the spread of HIV, but recommend people practice precaution and use protection. There’s no reason to destroy the economy here either.
🖕 Gavin Newsom.