Initial unemployment claims, another 3.8 million unemployed, for a grand total of 30.3 million unemployed. That’s 18.4% of the US workforce that is no longer working.

Initial unemployment claims, another 3.8 million unemployed, for a grand total of 30.3 million unemployed. That’s 18.4% of the US workforce that is no longer working.
Michigan armed protesters have moved into the Capitol building, banging on locked doors. This is why the US has a second amendment, as defense against tyranny, not for hunting. I wonder how much longer their Governor can maintain the “stay at home” order.
The noose tightens for Airbnb hosts. Without bookings, they can’t cover mortgages, property taxes, and insurance.
‘A Bargain With the Devil’—Bill Comes Due for Overextended Airbnb Hosts
Entrepreneurs built mini-empires of short-term rental properties, borrowing against revenue that’s now vanishing under coronavirus lockdowns.
The left no longer supports Trump’s use of the Defense Production Act in the national interest. How quickly things change.
Trump Orders Meat Plants to Stay Open in Move Slammed by Union
President Donald Trump signed an executive order Tuesday that compels slaughterhouses to remain open, setting up a showdown between the giant companies that produce America’s meat and the unions and activists who want to protect workers in a pandemic.
The pernicious effect of the welfare cliff. While well intentioned, the federal coronavirus stimulus package disincentivizes work. Workers dropping out of the labor force often don’t return. The unemployed don’t pay taxes to pay for the unemployed.
Welfare cliff.
Labor force participation.
Workers Are Asking to Be Laid Off, Because COVID-19 Unemployment Benefits Pay Better than Work | Hans Bader
“The very people we hired have now asked us to be laid off,” Marietta wrote in a blog post. “Not because they did not like their jobs or because they did not want to work, but because it would cost them literally hundreds of dollars per week to be employed.” With the federal government now …