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Payroll taxes pay for Social Security and Medicare. 13%…

Payroll taxes pay for Social Security and Medicare. 13%...

Payroll taxes pay for Social Security and Medicare. 13% unemployed is 13% not paying payroll taxes. 20% pay cuts further reduce payroll tax contributions.

Coronavirus to accelerate Social Security, Medicare depletion dates, U.S. officials say

Job and revenue losses prompted by the coronavirus will likely accelerate the depletion of Social Security and Medicare reserves, U.S. officials said on Wednesday as they released reports showing little change in the federal benefit programs’ pre-pandemic finances.


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Iran’s threat to shut down the Strait of Hormuz…

Iran's threat to shut down the Strait of Hormuz...

Iran’s threat to shut down the Strait of Hormuz isn’t much of a deterrent when crude oil is selling for less than $0. Quite the opposite, it’s an incentive that will help raise the price of oil, helping to support US oil producers.

Trump says US will ‘destroy’ Iranian gunboats that harass American ships

President Trump warned that the United States would destroy Iranian gunboats that harass American ships at sea.


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The petrodollar conspiracy theory just died a hard death…

The petrodollar conspiracy theory just died a hard death, though its adherents are too illiterate to realize it.


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First growth in the vegetable garden

First growth in the vegetable garden

First growth in the vegetable garden.


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Eren ruining my grass

Eren ruining my grass

Eren ruining my grass.


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Crude oil is -$17.53. It’s not only free, they’re…

Crude oil is -.53. It's not only free, they're...

Crude oil is -$17.53. It’s not only free, they’re paying you to buy crude oil. Was as low as -$40.32.

Not much I can add to that other than to note how nuts this is.


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In Disney’s defense, those workers were non-essential

In Disney's defense, those workers were non-essential

In Disney’s defense, those workers were non-essential.


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Crude oil is now $11 a barrel

Crude oil is now  a barrel

Crude oil is now $11 a barrel.

At this point, you’ll save a lot of money barbecuing burgers with a barrel of crude oil than with a tank of propane. Might taste funny, but that’s alright.

Who knew solving climate change was this easy. All you have to do is detain everyone forever. Well connected people exempted, of course.


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The Feds are seizing the means of production, technically…

The Feds are seizing the means of production, technically...

The Feds are seizing the means of production, technically buying them with funny money.


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People in New York metro area need to learn…

People in New York metro area need to learn...

People in New York metro area need to learn to cover their faces when they cough or sneeze, screwing up stats for the rest of the country.
