Donations to Black Lives Matter go to Democrat Party campaigns through their ActBlue fundraising platform.
Update: So I need to address some confusion about my post.
BLM is a 501(c)(3), so it’s forbidden from directly funding specific candidates (though as with PACs, it’s assisting them, and you all know that’s how PACs and Super PACs work), but as you can see from the lack of ActBlue bipartisan expenditures (all Democrat candidates and committees), it’s not bipartisan and is going to Democrat party affiliated left wing causes. ActBlue is not GoFundMe (which is non-political or bipartisan) and is explicitly affiliated with the Democrat party and raises funds for their causes. I hope that clarifies the money trail.
Pointing this out shouldn’t even be controversial to those of you on the left, since you all know this to be true, but it’s relevant because there are many republicans, centrists, independents, and non-political people donating to Black Lives Matter (with a snazzy name like that, how can you not?), not realizing they’re funding the left wing vision and agenda of black empowerment. That’s all.
98.3% of ActBlue funds are contributed to campaigns.