While I agree Trump should get his supporters to wear masks, it’s not the Trump supporters driving the rise in cases.
In Alabama, blacks make up 27% of the population and 44% of cases, whites make up 68% of the population and 47% of cases. In California, hispanics make up 39% of the population and 56% of cases, whites make up 38% of the population and 18% of cases.
Unlocking wasn’t followed by rising cases. The rise in cases followed the Floyd protests, where many (well placed photo ops aside) don’t wear masks.
So yes, Trump should get his supporters to wear masks, but to see real change, Democrats will need to stop making exceptions and excuses for their supporters, get them to wear masks, to stop protesting, and to stay at home.
Case spike in super-liberal San Francisco after Floyd protests, clearly not a hotbed of Trump supporters.
Case spikes across the country with varying levels of Trump supporters, and different economic reopening regimes, all following common denominator Floyd protests.