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Imagine a world where millions of $2000 checks are…

Imagine a world where millions of $2000 checks are driving up my Bitcoin.


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Bitcoin at $31.5K. Those $600 checks are coming in…

Bitcoin at $31.5K. Those $600 checks are coming in fast. Buy Bitcoin. YOLO.


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Bitcoin at $30.9K

Bitcoin at .9K

Bitcoin at $30.9K.

Rookie numbers, we can do better than this.


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The government has infinite dollars, so it’s all good

The government has infinite dollars, so it's all good

The government has infinite dollars, so it’s all good.

Lol, Neel Kashkari getting excited.


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Bitcoin at $29.9K. They should have sent me my…

Bitcoin at $29.9K. They should have sent me my $600 sooner, I could have bought more.


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Mitch, gimme my $2000. I deserve it because I’m…

Mitch, gimme my $2000. I deserve it because I’m worth it. Don’t be so cheap.


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Hah! I got my $600. I’m poor and needed…

Hah! I got my $600. I’m poor and needed the money. Thanks, dumb Democrats.


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With a single executive order promoting healthcare market reform…

With a single executive order promoting healthcare market reform...

With a single executive order promoting healthcare market reform by mandating price transparency, Trump’s dropping healthcare costs which Obamacare drove up.

Thanks, Obama.


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St. Joseph C/S delivery. $4.2K w/ insurance. $2.3K w/…

St. Joseph C/S delivery. $4.2K w/ insurance. $2.3K w/ cash pay. UCI is overpriced.


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UCI Cesarean delivery. $14.8K with insurance. $8.5K with cash…

UCI Cesarean delivery. $14.8K with insurance. $8.5K with cash pay. $6.3K in savings.
