Lashkargah residents waiting out the overnight bombing run.
USAF B-52 GRIMM72 will be back tomorrow night.
New skylight.
Lashkargah residents waiting out the overnight bombing run.
USAF B-52 GRIMM72 will be back tomorrow night.
New skylight.
USAF B-52 GRIMM72 returning to Afghanistan to conduct a late night bombing run over Lashkargah, Helmand.
If I was Ghani, I’d covertly supplement Afghan forces with Blackwater mercenaries.
Though they deny the Taliban are in the city, Maiwand 215th Corps still sent SOF KKA reinforcements to Lashkargah city.
Lashkargah, Helmand central square.
Maiwand 215th Corps denies Taliban are in Lashkargah city.
Ghani is not Assad, so they should be careful about deriving strategy from that.
Democratic socialism by means of US sponsorship failed to perform, so warlords are the new boyfriends.