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Biden is full of shit. The issue is not…

Biden is full of shit. The issue is not...

Biden is full of shit. The issue is not that the US withdrew, but how the US withdrew. He should have stuck to the deal instead of listened to Ghani. He wanted and encouraged this war. Idiot.


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White House talking points to contain political damage from…

White House talking points to contain political damage from...

White House talking points to contain political damage from Biden’s Afghanistan withdrawal. Don’t let them abuse your minds like this.


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As a biased American, I would have preferred to…

As a biased American, I would have preferred to...

As a biased American, I would have preferred to keep Afghanistan under the American sphere of influence, but with all the issues that we have, I think for them it is better this way. Biden did them a favor by withdrawing in the fucked up way that he did.


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If they’re mad at Biden now, wait until they…

If they’re mad at Biden now, wait until they realize that it was Biden’s idea to use the Logan Act to initiate a three-year FBI investigation into Trump which resulted in Trump being impeached twice.

Democrats will pay.

Obama attended the meeting too. Thanks, Obama.


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Splinter them into a thousand pieces and scatter it…

Splinter them into a thousand pieces and scatter it...

Splinter them into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds.


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Cover Photo

Cover Photo


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Information warfare is not an afterthought

Information warfare is not an afterthought.


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Macroyan, Kabul

Macroyan, Kabul

Macroyan, Kabul.

August 17th, 2021 at 8:12 AM AFT.


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I did everything I could, but it wasn’t enough…

I did everything I could, but it wasn’t enough. The National Security Establishment beat me, but the Taliban beat them.

The twenty year War in Afghanistan is over and the country is at peace for the first time in 43 years since the Saur Revolution brought the communists to power. I guess in the end I won. I hope Afghanistan did as well. I wish the people of Afghanistan nothing but peace.

The End.


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In hindsight, this was an understatement

In hindsight, this was an understatement.

Biden doesn’t have the dynamic intelligence needed to extricate himself creatively.
