The Taliban won either way, but if they force Ghani’s hand, Afghanistan loses.
Month: August 2021
Taliban captured Mihtarlam, Laghman, the twenty-fourth provincial capital to fall.
Taliban burned down several outposts here in earlier stages of the offensive, but weren’t able to take the capital until now.
Taliban captured Mazar Sharif, Balkh, the twenty-third provincial capital to fall.
Ghani wants to destroy Kabul so Biden will bail him out. He only has one card.
Taliban captured Maymana, Faryab, the twenty-second provincial capital to fall.
Faryab is where the Taliban offensive was first taken seriously at the national level after the death of Sohrab Azimi, a highly trained special operations officer in Dawlatabad, shocked the news, and where 20+ commandos were killed and executed. Their pride was hurt as a result and refused to surrender.
Afghans did not understand how that could happen, but assumed it was a one-time mistake, turned a blind eye to it again, and rather than hold Ghani accountable, went on overconfidently cheering their armed forces to their own detriment.
Sohrab Azimi was a young patriot who wanted to Make Afghanistan Great Again, but he did not understand how miserably corrupt the Afghan national security state really was, and lost his life to it.
June 16th, 2021.
General Sami Sadat who bombed two hospitals and one school during the siege of Lashkargah before losing the city to the Taliban has been appointed Public Security Officer for Kabul.
Taliban captured ANA 203rd Tandar Corps in Gardez, Paktia.
USAF airstrikes around Kandahar airport.
It was not supposed to play out like this, but they gave us Biden.
Little girl lost her life in clashes in Maymana, Faryab.