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CIA backed KPF and associated ANDSF 203rd Corps in…

CIA backed KPF and associated ANDSF 203rd Corps in Khost and Paktia won’t surrender.


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Chris Alexander is a Canadian Bush-era right wing neocon…

Chris Alexander is a Canadian Bush-era right wing neocon. Democrats are so precious.


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With Ghani marginalized, The Suleiman Khel belt of Paktika…

With Ghani marginalized, The Suleiman Khel belt of Paktika is starting to surrender.

They were mostly left alone because they had previously agreed to surrender on the condition that the Taliban first eliminate Ghani.


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The war is still raging in Balkh. Dostum and…

The war is still raging in Balkh. Dostum and Atta Noor haven’t surrendered yet.


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Taliban defunded police and replaced it with their own…

Taliban defunded police and replaced it with their own...

Taliban defunded police and replaced it with their own community police, incorporating the finest parts of Democrat ideology.


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Prisoners held in Tarinkot, Uruzgan were also freed by…

Prisoners held in Tarinkot, Uruzgan were also freed by Taliban.


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Weapons captured by Taliban in Herat province

Weapons captured by Taliban in Herat province

Weapons captured by Taliban in Herat province

Weapons captured by Taliban in Herat province

Weapons captured by Taliban in Herat province

Weapons captured by Taliban in Herat province

Weapons captured by Taliban in Herat province

Weapons captured by Taliban in Herat province

Weapons captured by Taliban in Herat province.

Many who claim to hate guns and gun violence (they don’t, they just don’t want you to have them) supported the US turning Afghanistan into this. It’s safe to say the AK-47 is no longer the rifle of choice in Afghanistan.


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A large number of Afghan government forces surrendering in…

A large number of Afghan government forces surrendering in...

A large number of Afghan government forces surrendering in Qalat, Zabul, many vehicles.

These guys were chilling the entire conflict. Tribal elders in Zabul mediated the transfer of Zabul ANA forces to Qalat back in June where they stayed the entire time, not interested in fighting.


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The national mood has turned against them, it is…

The national mood has turned against them, it is...

The national mood has turned against them, it is as if they’re begging to be suicided. To avoid destruction, Kabul needs to come to terms.


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Some of these provincial capitals like Qalat would have…

Some of these provincial capitals like Qalat would have surrendered earlier, but feared retribution from Ghani, and made surrender contingent upon Ghani being pushed aside first. Ghani is finished.
