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Ismail Khan sharp as rocks, putting up a stiff…

Ismail Khan sharp as rocks, putting up a stiff...

Ismail Khan sharp as rocks, putting up a stiff resistance in Herat.

In late 2012, the Government of Afghanistan accused Ismail Khan of illegally distributing weapons to his supporters, accusing him of attempting to create disruption in the country. Ismail Khan stated Kabul can not protect distant parts of the country, and called on his supporters to take up arms and reactivate militias to defend the country against the Taliban.

Now he’s a national hero again.


Ismail Khan sharp as rocks, putting up a stiff...

NY Times.

Ismail Khan sharp as rocks, putting up a stiff...

Kabul was not pleased, and Ismail Khan hasn’t held a Kabul government position since 2013.

The gun and militia control socialists desperately in love with centralized government are now writing beautiful articles about Ismail Khan, the Lion of Herat. They should instead spend some time studying the second amendment.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.


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Sami Sadat of Lashkargah appointed commander of Special Operations…

Sami Sadat of Lashkargah appointed commander of Special Operations Command Corps.


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ANA 217th Pamir Corps of Kunduz routed, surrendered to…

ANA 217th Pamir Corps of Kunduz routed, surrendered to Taliban.


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Democrats are wasting their time lobbying Biden and the…

Democrats are wasting their time lobbying Biden and the UN to sanction Pakistan, it won’t happen, and would achieve little if it did. If they were intelligent, which they’re not, they would leverage the Republican effort to draw attention to Biden’s obvious dementia to remove (or threaten to remove) Biden from office so Kamala can take over, who, given her Hillary Clinton-esque personality and her brand of caring about women’s issues, would be more likely to reverse course and recommit American forces to Afghanistan.


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Arizona Democrat State Senator Tony Navarrete resigned on child…

Arizona Democrat State Senator Tony Navarrete resigned on child sex abuse charges.

With the seat vacated, unless another Republican flips, the AZ Senate should now have the votes to enforce their audit subpoena on Maricopa County, AZ.


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New York Governor Cuomo resigned

New York Governor Cuomo resigned

New York Governor Cuomo resigned.

I guess the “it’s not sexual harassment when you sexually harass everyone” defense didn’t work.

I would have preferred he was fired and arrested for killing the elderly in nursing homes, but never let the perfect be the enemy of the good, so I’ll take what I can get.


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$1.2 trillion infrastructure bill passes the Senate

.2 trillion infrastructure bill passes the Senate

$1.2 trillion infrastructure bill passes the Senate.

Yes, please. Never stop.


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A Talib who is sad because Fayzabad, Badakhshan fell…

A Talib who is sad because Fayzabad, Badakhshan fell...

A Talib who is sad because Fayzabad, Badakhshan fell before he had a chance to deploy and fire his new artillery.


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Taliban captured Fayzabad, Badakhshan, the ninth provincial capital to…

Taliban captured Fayzabad, Badakhshan, the ninth provincial capital to fall.


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Taliban captured Puli Khumri, Baghlan, the eighth provincial capital…

Taliban captured Puli Khumri, Baghlan, the eighth provincial capital to fall.
