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Tom West, who served on VP Biden national security…

Tom West, who served on VP Biden national security team, taking over from Khalilzad.


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Another lab showing immune suppression post vaccination

Another lab showing immune suppression post vaccination

Another lab showing immune suppression post vaccination.


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Secretary of State Yellowcake died from weakened immunity. RIP

Secretary of State Yellowcake died from weakened immunity. RIP.


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UCO is up 453.24% and USO is up 170.60%…

UCO is up 453.24% and USO is up 170.60%...

UCO is up 453.24% and USO is up 170.60% since I posted this.

UCO is up 453.24% and USO is up 170.60%...

Easy money.

UCO is up 453.24% and USO is up 170.60%...

RIP gas prices.

Every country should be stockpiling crude. They’re never going to see an opportunity like this again. It’s basically free energy.


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I can’t believe my tax dollars are paying the…

I can't believe my tax dollars are paying the...

I can’t believe my tax dollars are paying the salaries of unvaccinated California state workers. Gavin Newsom needs to terminate them.


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So what are you going to do about it?

So what are you going to do about it?

So what are you going to do about it? Nothing, that’s what.


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The unvaccinated don’t belong in society, fire them all

The unvaccinated don't belong in society, fire them all

The unvaccinated don’t belong in society, fire them all.


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Early voting also favored the Republicans in 2020, but…

Early voting also favored the Republicans in 2020, but...

Early voting also favored the Republicans in 2020, but didn’t account for massive 3 am ballot drops on election night, weeks of magic midnight ballots coming in after the election, and >90%, sometimes >100%, turnout rates.

Without Republicans addressing the aforementioned, early voting looking poor for the Democrats doesn’t tell me much, given that’s not how the game is played anyway.


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Biden finally following up on his promise to defund…

Biden finally following up on his promise to defund...

Biden finally following up on his promise to defund police.


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While Biden is driving up inflation for people of…

While Biden is driving up inflation for people of...

While Biden is driving up inflation for people of less wealth and threatening to fire them if they don’t get vaccinated, he’s giving me a Bitcoin ETF that I can buy into with my tax-free Roth IRA account.

Lol, I love sleepy Joe.
