They thought we’d turn the other cheek after their Summer of Love, they’d like that.
Month: February 2022
Ford, GM, Toyota halt production, can’t get auto parts through the economic blockade.
The first dose vaccination rate for 5-11 year old children is flattening at around 31.32%, which likely coincides with Biden’s real approval rating. These are your hardened idiots.
Omicron ruined everything
COVID vaccine doses administered now down to 277K.
This is all vaccines administered, first shots, second shots, boosters, vaccines for children, Johnson and Johnson, Pfizer, and Moderna.
5th Court of Appeals won’t reinstate Biden vaccine mandate on federal employees.
Biden inflation is making a $15 livable wage feel like a $7.25 poverty wage.
Inflation now up 7.5%, up 0.6% since last month. People still haven’t learned their lesson, so it will rise further.
The Facebook to export is now finished and auto-exporting.
Democrats are too busy enjoying their private unmasked lifestyles to unmask children in schools. That’s OK, when we return to power, we will meticulously deconstruct and dismantle everything dear to them.