So, I finally got COVID, not only that but I also have an Influenza co-infection.
I think I already had it in late 2019, but this time it’s official, documented.
So, I finally got COVID, not only that but I also have an Influenza co-infection.
I think I already had it in late 2019, but this time it’s official, documented.
MoD Yaqub and MoI Sirajuddin Haqqani reportedly met with Kandahar governor Wafa.
BBC, so probably fake news.
The 90-day Facebook restriction I got was on Ukraine, so CIA, not FBI. Thanks, CIA.
CIA sent Twitter takedown requests for anything anti-Ukraine.
Tragedy of Donbas.
YouTube shorts.
Twitter accounts.
More Twitter accounts.
Yoel Roth was made uncomfortable by these requests, but he complied and blocked or took them down for the most part.
CIA sent takedown requests to Twitter for pro-Maduro, pro-Lula accounts.
Batches in the thousands, no real justification stated.
CIA report to Twitter that Biden vaccine corruption was Russian misinformation.
Russia doesn’t want you to get vaccinated, so get vaccinated, and triple boosted, do it for grandma.
CIA produced a report on accounts pushing Ukraine “neo-Nazi” propaganda.
Twitter accounts linked to suspected Russian troll farm.
The irony is Russia during this time was slow to do social media, we were struggling with content, and Russia didn’t pick up the ball until later.
CIA interfered in the 2022 French election to help Macron defeat Le Pen.
Scouring the web for articles critical of Macron to request them to be taken down, so in effect US interference in French elections.
Twitter analysts couldn’t find links to Russia, but were willing to make them up.
Muh Russia stole the 2016 election~!
They’re really struggling with linking it to Russia.
Of course, Yoel Roth is in on it too.
Probably led the effort, soon to be FBI patsy right here.
Government “partners” were being aggressive with Yoel Roth to attribute accounts with Russia, poor guy.
FBI Baltimore assigned personnel to doing keyword searches for Twitter violations.
Tax dollars well spent.
FBI/Twitter counsel Jim Baker agrees.