Coalescence on Ukraine.
Month: February 2023

SoCal natural gas bill increased 141% from $232 in December to $560 in January.
$232.18 in December 2022 for 102 Therms.
560.49 in January 2023 for 130 Therms.
Thanks, Joe Biden.

Trump statement on the Ukraine war, Victoria Nuland, the State Department’s Maidan Revolution uprising, and stopping warmongers and globalists.
Trump embraces ballot harvesting

Trump embraces ballot harvesting.
Though conservatives are against it for the numerous moral hazards it introduces, as long as Democrats harvest ballots, Trump can’t win without it. It is an imperative that he harvest ballots.
Incidentally, if Trump can master ballot harvesting, and as a result command a large number of reliable ballots across rural America, he can further solidify his grip over the Republican party.
With the gubernatorial losses in 2022, and the window on election reform at the state level closed, this is the game now.
Dianne Feinstein won’t run for Senate re-election, Adam Schiff is cleared to go.
You’re all dumb enough to vote for him too.

CDC added COVID vaccines to the child immunization schedule.
Uncritical parents will by default in consultation with medical experts now vaccinate and boost their children with COVID shots from 6 months of age per CDC approved immunization recommendation.

Yes, everyone else is wrong
Yes, everyone else is wrong.