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Opium production in Helmand, Afghanistan has collapsed between 2022…

Opium production in Helmand, Afghanistan has collapsed between 2022...

Opium production in Helmand, Afghanistan has collapsed between 2022 and 2023, replaced with wheat production.

The US did its best during its 20 year occupation to eliminate opium production in Afghanistan, but for some reason that goal always eluded them.


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Russian letter to the UN Security Council, dated October…

Russian letter to the UN Security Council, dated October...

Russian letter to the UN Security Council, dated October, 21 2022, accusing Ukraine of planning to blow up the Khakhova dam, hence the Russian evacuation from Kherson in November, 2022.


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Ukrainians considered blowing up Khakhova dam in December, 2022

Ukrainians considered blowing up Khakhova dam in December, 2022

Ukrainians considered blowing up Khakhova dam in December, 2022.


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Kakhovka dam near Kherson, Ukraine was destroyed

Kakhovka dam near Kherson, Ukraine was destroyed

Kakhovka dam near Kherson, Ukraine was destroyed.


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It is intense, but yes, DeSantis will go down…

It is intense, but yes, DeSantis will go down. He should not have run. Sanctimonious.


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Joe Biden fell down again

Joe Biden fell down again

Joe Biden fell down again.
