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Israeli hostage video of women dressed in pink and black.

The woman in the pink is not leaning confrontationally towards the Hamas member as the “fuck you” meme suggests, she is at that point rotating, shifting her balance onto her rear leg, and the meme captured that single frame where she’s off balance.

Both before and after the rotation completes, she does a nodding action with her head, and she gestures with her hand before the rotation begins. They have an agreement of some sort on something, I don’t know on what, I assume on how they’re going to do the walk to the Red Cross vehicle, and she acknowledges.

When they walk, the woman in the pink goes off script, because the Hamas green member prods her with his finger, and the Hamas black member talks to her and she turns to face him, I assume they didn’t want her to wrap her hand around her friend.

As they walk away, the woman in the black is looking extensively at the Hamas member, continues to look at him after he looks away. This is the part that the pro-Israel that shared the video cut out.

You can say that this was a proud strong-minded woman, because she walks with her head up high, wraps her hand around her friend, looks forward the entire time, and she’s of course obviously a hostage, but her facial expression and attitude don’t change and she has the same “cold, strong” attitude towards both the Red Cross people who receive her, as well as her friend when she receives her friend, so you can’t conclude that this is her expressing her feelings towards Hamas, or if this is her temperament towards others in general because she’s strong-minded woman in general.

At no point does a middle finger come up, and if it was as confrontational as the meme would suggest, the meme wouldn’t need to make up a middle finger that never happened.

You can discuss the video and what went on in it without posting stupid memes with a middle finger that never happened, supported by a single frame where she was off-balance as she rotated onto her read leg right before cocking her head sideways, and choosing to start off with stupid memes and out of context frames always tells me that the conversation that is about to happen is not a serious conversation.

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