Since I’m on a roll, and since everything is more obvious with funny comics …
Author: W.
“The entire problem we face going ahead stems from the very idea of Karl Marx that government is capable of managing the economy either through communism or autocratic-socialism where the state dictates to the economy under the pretense of caring for the people, that has truly become a derivative of fascism where the state comes first.”
So now I’m the problem. Because I’m a talented programmer, I’m part of the 1% extracting value out of companies like a mercenary and I’m not being regulated; and I should be because I’m causing volatility for companies and in the general economy.
I find it insane that communists are able to effectively pretend to be free market capitalists …
The Fall of the Talent Economy?
Roger Martin, former dean of the Rotman School of Management, on why talent’s powerful economic position is unsustainable.
It’s obvious that this would happen
It’s obvious that this would happen …
Hacker breached insurance site
The hacker uploaded malicious software, but consumers’ personal data didn’t appear to be taken.
Yes, that is a flying airship parked outside my riverside lodge …
Neato Robotics XV-21 vacuum cleaner. It uses LIDAR for navigation similar to the Google driverless car.
Everyday at 10 am it does it’s thing. Vacuum, take a break to charge, continue where it left off and go back home.
i think it’s time for another species to take over the world; it’s too much for us to handle
More Juice
More Juice ..
MSMBS World News Headlies: ISIS, Gaza, Ukraine and more… [RAP NEWS 27]
A Rap News summary of the past months’ remarkable series of events. From Gaza to Syria, ISIS to Ukraine, Sinkholes to Ebola, Ferguson to Robin Williams, the …
Israel steals more land
Israel steals more land …
If my neighbors stole my land, I would launch rockets at their house and would support the destruction of their property … Yes I would …
“Israel’s Civil Administration in the West Bank yesterday announced the takeover of 988 acres (3,799 dunams) belonging to five Palestinian villages between the Etzion settlement bloc and Jerusalem. The move clears the way for construction of a new settlement named Gvaot.”
Israel appropriates massive tract of West Bank land – Diplomacy and Defense
Move comes in wake of kidnapping and murder of three Israeli teens; intention is to build a large settlement, Gvaot, between the Etzion settlement bloc and Jerusalem.
come on facebook, get with the animated gifs … googleplus does it