Author: W.
My health insurance premium went up again .. by 21.5% to be exact ..
Joe Rogan – The American War Machine
Joe Rogan – The American War Machine
A very cool combination of some of my rants connected with some great video editing by a youtube user named “TheParadigmShift”
Profile Picture
Santa Ana Train Station
Roubini: 2013 Perfect Storm May Surpass 2008 Crisis
July 9 (Bloomberg) — New York University Professor Nouriel Roubini discusses “greedy” bankers, the euro-zone crisis and risks facing the global economy in 2013. (Source: Bloomberg)
Reason Magazine – Reason Articles
Reason Magazine – Reason Articles
Take a break from getting yet another tattoo on your ass bone or your nipples pierced already! And STFU about the 1 Percent vs. the 99 Percent.
USA TODAY – When Removing Asbestos Makes No Sense
Circumcision goes “against the interests of a child to decide for himself later on to which religion he wishes to belong,” the court ruled, according to Bloomberg.
Nyan Cat 100 HOURS
Nyan Cat 100 HOURS
I am not the creator of the original video here is a link to the original Lyrics: nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan ny…