I’m thinking of hiring a part time minion that follows me around all day long .. At minimum wage ($8 / hour) for 6 hours, that’s only $48 / day .. Then I could send my minion forth to do stuff ..
Author: W.
For me to buy into the arguement that the military protects my freedom, I must first buy into the arguement that the people that the military fights were in a position to steal or harm my freedoms; which I don’t. On the contrary, every day the federal government (white house, congress, supreme court, etc.) pass, sign, and uphold laws that limit my freedom; ironically, the military does the bidding of the federal government, thus enabling them in the process of limiting my freedoms.
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Hillary Clinton Admits the U.S. Government Created al-Qaeda
The Mujahideen were the “database” of Al-Qaeda assets. Al-Qaeda are a controlled opposition force of the Central Intelligence Agency to promote their middle …
cut cut cut … notice how there are no cuts to prisons / law enforcement, etc. … they need the cops to keep those inevitable occupy protesters in their place 😀
Here we go again, yet another day of fruitless micromanagement coming right up. Good night.
This is why you never pre-order a game .. lol …
So I finally installed ice cream sandwich on my phone.
The economy will demand that governments shrink.
The governments will demand that the economy grow.
Worst is if the government demands that the economy shrink so that it may grow.
Best is if they learn to get along and work it out.
There is a new rapper named “Waka Flaka Flame” … I think rap is officially dead now …