Why do you post? Why do you share? Why do you tell facebook what’s on your mind? What are you hoping to achieve?
Author: W.
Considering that I’ve been doing 50 minutes in traffic from and to Irvine each day, I finally tried out the Amtrak/Metrolink from Anaheim to Irvine today. It was intoxicatingly pleasant compared to the daily gridlock battle that is the Interstate 5. Though converting to that as my primary form of commute will take some dedication.
Commuting sucks
Commuting sucks
If facebook was 100% anonymous, it would change its internal dynamics in such a creative way that people might actually respond to the silly query “What’s on your mind?” in an authentic way instead of posting mindless content spam as they do now. I don’t trust facebook with my real thoughts; they are far to dark and brooding for facebook’s fickle audience.
I had no idea I was white this whole time.
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Scrum is to web development as Twitter is to Shakespeare .. There, I’ve said it ..
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If I was Gay Barrett and Vanille called me “pops” one more time, I’d shoot her in the face ..