The iPod touch is pretty cool. All the good stuff of the iPhone without a monthly bill, all in a lighter package.
Author: W.
Here is a screenshot of a new theme I just created for Monkey Peanuts. I call the new theme “watercooler”.
Tonight was my last night of vacation. Tomorrow I am going back to work. I think the watercooler theme speaks to that.
If I can give you some advice; if you don’t want to waste your life, stay away from the watercooler gang.
FDR 1546 Avatar Movie Review
FDR 1546 Avatar Movie Review
Torchlight is $5 again on Steam
Torchlight is $5 again on Steam.
Here is a new screenshot of monkeypeanuts. I added the monkey banker logo to the header 😀 (and lots of other little stuff)
My latest screenshot of
New Year’s Eve outside of Disneyland
But it wasn’t enough and so you sold your soul …
Never burn a 4 gb iso over wi-fi
Never burn a 4 gb iso over wi-fi
Should a girl be pretty? Should she be a tiara-wearing, digitally clueless beauty pageant queen? Or should she be fast? Racehorse duct-taped to a scud fast? I say the latter. So I found a girl that does. Does rip through the web like a circular saw on a ripe banana. Is she a precious porcelain figurine of a girl? In truth? No. She’s not a princess; she’s a robot. A girl that trades “hairdo” for “can do.”
Haha, its a joke .. You’ll need to watch this video to get it ..