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Bitcoin just passed $6200

Bitcoin just passed 00

Bitcoin just passed $6200 ..

Although with shares of Amazon appreciating by 13.2% in a single day, making new all time highs in a spectacular moment of “what the f*ck just happened?”, you should have probably bought some of their shares instead.

Since Amazon is dominating, with ruthless efficiency, everything they touch, can’t we just dismantle the government and let Amazon run the country? Is that really so wrong? I, for one, would welcome our Amazon overlords.


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Eren counting my coins; because money does not count…

Eren counting my coins; because money does not count...

Eren counting my coins; because money does not count itself.


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Indictment refers to tax evasion activities by Manafort prior…

Indictment refers to tax evasion activities by Manafort prior...

Indictment refers to tax evasion activities by Manafort prior to 2016 and makes no mention of Trump or his campaign. Indictment also refers to two lobbying firms, “Company A” and “Company B”, which are believed to be Mercury LLC and Podesta Group, and were directed by Manafort, who failed to register as a foreign lobbyist, at the behest of Yanukovych of Ukraine.

Podesta Group was founded by brothers John and Tony Podesta and is a major financier and lobbyist of Democrats. John Podesta was Hillary’s 2016 campaign chairman. Tony Podesta resigned from the Podesta Group today.

Make of that what you will ๐Ÿคจ.

Analysis | The 12-count Manafort and Gates indictment, annotated

There are 12 counts. Let’s break it all down.


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Soldering wires, within my lawnmower wire harness, together

Soldering wires, within my lawnmower wire harness, together

Soldering wires, within my lawnmower wire harness, together.


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A comparative assessment of pro vs. anti growth policies…

A comparative assessment of pro vs. anti growth policies...

A comparative assessment of pro vs. anti growth policies...

A comparative assessment of pro vs. anti growth policies...

A comparative assessment of pro vs. anti growth policies...

A comparative assessment of pro vs. anti growth policies...

A comparative assessment of pro vs. anti growth policies...

A comparative assessment of pro vs. anti growth policies enacted and non-emergency (economic bailout) spending under five different presidents: Clinton, Reagan, Obama, Bush, Nixon.

By libertarian economist and Cato Institute fellow, Daniel J. Mitchell.

Yes, Bill Clinton was our last fiscally conservative pro growth president.


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Bitcoin is not the bubble. Central Banking is the…

Bitcoin is not the bubble. Central Banking is the...

Bitcoin is not the bubble. Central Banking is the bubble. Bitcoin is simply the symptom to the contagion that is Central Banking.

You can increase the money supply to your heart’s content, and you can do so in international concert to maintain exchange rate parity, but you can not control where the money flows.

You can not push on a string.


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What do Osama bin Laden and John F. Kennedy…

What do Osama bin Laden and John F. Kennedy...

What do Osama bin Laden and John F. Kennedy assassin Lee Harvey Oswald have in common?

They were both trained by The Central Intelligence Agency.

They’re not training our best and brightest, folks.


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The Art of the Deal

The Art of the Deal:
When you find yourself in a bad deal, threaten to throw up to gain leverage.



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My greatest regret in life is that I did…

My greatest regret in life is that I did not buy more Bitcoin.



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Finally redeeming my free Bitcoin Cash for free Bitcoin

Finally redeeming my free Bitcoin Cash for free Bitcoin.

