Eren going to sleep; come along
[ dark scenes are easier to watch if it’s not full screen ]
Eren playing with his toys
Lol. I invented this chair about 8 years ago.
The New Way to Work
Altwork Station, the new way to work. Redefine how your computer & workstation work with you, to support you in being more productive, comfortable, & healthy.
I would defeat them in a box.
I would defeat them with a fox
I would defeat them in a house
I would defeat them with a mouse
I would defeat them here or there.
I would defeat them anywhere.
I would defeat ISIS terrorists.
I would defeat them, Sam-I-am.
Listening to this debate, I remembered Dr. Seuss
Hmmm :O
Best Trump zingers of the CNN Republican debate
Donald Trump came out swinging at the CNN GOP debate on Wednesday. Here are his top zingers of the night.
Nobody keeps my personality in balance .. I am unbalanced ..
Which friend keeps your personality in balance?
Everybody needs a balancing force. Who do you need for your harmony? Find out now! Click here!
Eren, Ocelot, and me watching TV
Ocelot sleeping while Neato vacuums