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Andrewfrancisco6: how is it goin? i havent tlked 2…

Andrewfrancisco6: how is it goin? i havent tlked 2 youuu in awhile.. lol
W.: yea must have been a long time
Andrewfrancisco6: do u remember me?… we used 2 chat
W.: yea i think so
Andrewfrancisco6: so whats up?…
W.: not much
W.: how about you?
Andrewfrancisco6: not much i just got done takig a shower went to the gym today 🙂
W.: cool
W.: you still work at the same place?
Andrewfrancisco6: i gotta question do u Iike a girI with big t***? or do u prefer a girI with a fat a**..
W.: a little bit of both
Andrewfrancisco6: ok! weII i got aIot of both wanna see? im feeIing a IittIe naughty!
W.: sure what do you wanna show me?
Andrewfrancisco6: weII im gonna show u if its ok 😉
W.: yea that’s fine, nobody’s around
W.: i’m at work
W.: don’t wanna get fired
Andrewfrancisco6: im Ioading my cam now 🙂
W.: cool
W.: let me know if you have device drivers issues
W.: windows can be a bitch sometimes
Andrewfrancisco6: k.. cIick http://********** once it Ioads cIick the green “accept invite” button on the Ieft then fiII out ur info.. then we can make a private 1on1 chat to pIay 😉
W.: i clicked on it but i get a blank page
W.: i dont see a green button
Andrewfrancisco6: don’t be shy its 100% free babe credit card is just to verify ur age.. gotta make sure u’re over 18 before we make a 1ON1 private room and get freak ;x
W.: i’m not shy
W.: i just dont see a green button
Andrewfrancisco6: u cumming? im reaIIy wet ;x
W.: no not yet
W.: i have’nt clicked the button yet
W.: the site is blank
W.: that you liked me to
Andrewfrancisco6: Iet me know when u’re in babe..
W.: well
W.: i need some help
W.: your link is broken
Andrewfrancisco6: k
W.: can you help me with this?
W.: i wanna see
Andrewfrancisco6: u in yet?
W.: *sigh*
W.: forget it
W.: i don’t wanna see anymore
W.: this is too much trouble for some pics


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First they broke glass, then they torched cars, now…

First they broke glass, then they torched cars, now...

First they broke glass, then they torched cars, now they’re burning the cops 😀 People are always kicked dragging and screaming towards the inevitable ..

Athens Is Setting Itself on Fire

Athens lawmakers voted overwhelmingly for another austerity plan that would slash the minimum wage by a fifth and lay off another 150,000 government officials


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Obama administration officials suggested Friday that Syrian elites are…

Obama administration officials suggested Friday that Syrian elites are...

Obama administration officials suggested Friday that Syrian elites are starting to prepare exit plans as violence in the country escalates. State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland would…

Syrian elites looking for way out, officials say


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from W.’s Reading List – Readability

from W.'s Reading List - Readability

from W.’s Reading List – Readability

A Free Web & Mobile App for Reading Comfortably — Readability


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Rushna is being mean …!

Rushna is being mean …!


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I am nothing without caffeine .. A mere blob…

I am nothing without caffeine .. A mere blob of un-actionable dreams ..


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Connect with GEICO on Facebook!

Connect with GEICO on Facebook!

Connect with GEICO on Facebook!

Become a fan of GEICO on Facebook!


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is using Shazam Friends

is using Shazam Friends

is using Shazam Friends

I just setup Shazam Friends making it easy to share Tags. Download the latest version of Shazam to instantly share tagged music.


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Went to Farmer Boys

Went to Farmer Boys

Went to Farmer Boys.


Farmer Boys


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Dear facebook, fuck you for being so accessible all…

Dear facebook, fuck you for being so accessible all the time … I have real shit I need to be doing …
