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If you installed voxer, uninstall it. Voxer consumes …

If you installed voxer, uninstall it. Voxer consumes ...

If you installed voxer, uninstall it. Voxer consumes an insane amount of battery power. I never even used that app, I just had it installed.


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There will come a day, when your bones tire…

There will come a day, when your bones tire from chasing your hopes ..


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I just ate Sushi, by myself, and it was…

I just ate Sushi, by myself, and it was delicious .. 🙂


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Ron Paul’s Fantastic Speech After Taking 2nd In New…

Ron Paul's Fantastic Speech After Taking 2nd In New...

Ron Paul’s Fantastic Speech After Taking 2nd In New Hampshire

Airing Date Jan 10, 2012 The Campaign is sponsoring the first Money Bomb of 2012, Ron Paul’s South Carolina Money Bomb on Saturda…


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How funny

How funny

How funny.

Okla. Mom Won’t Face Charges, but Victim’s Accomplice Will

The young Okla­homa moth­er who shot and killed an intrud­er to pro­tect her 3-month-old son on New Year’s Eve will not face crim­i­nal charges.Pros­e­cu­tors have instead charged the intrud­er’s alleged accom­plice, 29-year-old Dustin Stew­art, with first-degree mur­der in the death of his friend, Justin Shane Mar­tin, 24.Police said the two men broke into 18-year-old Sarah McKin­ley’s mobile home in Blan­chard, Okla., the evening of Dec. 31, while the young widow was home with her baby. McKin­ley’s hus­band had died the week before, on Christ­mas Day, of lung can­cer.McKin­ley told police that Mar­tin had stopped by the house on the day of her hus­band’s funer­al claim­ing he was a neigh­bor who want­ed to say hello.On New Year’s Eve, Stew­art joined Mar­tin, who this time was armed with a 12-inch hunt­ing knife. Police said the two men may have been high on pre­scrip­tion painkillers and look­ing for more drugs in McKin­ley’s home.As one of the men went from door to door out­side her home try­ing to gain entry, McKin­ley told ABC News’ Okla­homa City affil­i­ate KOCO that she quick­ly got her 12 gauge, went into her bed­room and got a pis­tol, put a bot­tle in the baby’s mouth and called 911.”I’ve got two guns in my hand. Is it OK to shoot him if he comes in this door?” the young moth­er asked the 911 dis­patch­er. “I’m here by myself with my infant baby. Can I please get a dis­patch­er out here imme­di­ate­ly?”The 911 dis­patch­er con­firmed with McKin­ley that the doors to her home were locked as McKin­ley asked again if it was OK to shoot the intrud­er if he came through her door.”I can’t tell you that you can do tha,t but you do what you have to do to pro­tect your baby,” the dis­patch­er told her. McKin­ley was on the phone with 911 for 21 min­utes.When Mar­tin kicked in the door, the young moth­er shot and killed him. Accord­ing to court doc­u­ments, Mar­tin was hold­ing a knife when he died.Author­i­ties called McKin­ley’s actions jus­ti­fied because she clear­ly acted in self-defense. Okla­homa law per­mits the use of dead­ly force against intrud­ers.Stew­art, who ran away from McKin­ley’s home after hear­ing the gun­shots but later turned him­self in to police, was charged in Mar­tin’s death.”When the death of some­one occurs in com­mis­sion of a felony, we’re allowed to file a mur­der charge, and that’s what we’ve done in this par­tic­u­lar case, because Mr. Stew­art, in this case, will be respon­si­ble for the death of Justin Martin,” said …


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The best tasting diet cola that I know of

The best tasting diet cola that I know of

The best tasting diet cola that I know of.


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A cat’s quest is to find the most comfortable…

A cat's quest is to find the most comfortable...

A cat’s quest is to find the most comfortable spot in a house and sleep on it.


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Latest pics of my setup

Latest pics of my setup

Latest pics of my setup.


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The early beginnings of a home office. I picked…

The early beginnings of a home office. I picked...

The early beginnings of a home office. I picked up Aeron chair today.
