EconPop – The Economics of Back to School
All new episode! Click to share: IIn this episode of EconPop, Andrew discusses the 1986 “slob comedy” classic, Back To School. Subjects i…
stop stealin’ my canz tuna obamaa! homeless catz needz to get a JOB like mehh!!
Neato XV-21
Time to change your Google passwords … also stop using a) the same password across many websites and b) easy to figure out security questions … by now we all know when you were born …
A List of 5 Million ‘Gmail Passwords’ Leaked, But There’s No Need to Panic
A list of almost 5 million combinations of Gmail email addresses and passwords has been posted online.
The goal is to disrupt the state at a rate faster than the rate by which it can disrupt the market …
So after three days of their systems being down, I finally reached Blue Shield on Friday and got them to “cancel” my insurance. I even went into the system and removed “autopay”.
Today I find out that they charged me for the next month anyway, even though it says “canceled” in the system [ yes i had confirmed with the guy i wouldn’t get charged ].
So when I go to call them, after I waste some time going through their automated system, I end up at a “busy-signal” dial tone straight from the early 90s.
Hmmm …
[ In hindsight, getting out is harder than it was getting in ]
Since I’m on a roll, and since everything is more obvious with funny comics …
“The entire problem we face going ahead stems from the very idea of Karl Marx that government is capable of managing the economy either through communism or autocratic-socialism where the state dictates to the economy under the pretense of caring for the people, that has truly become a derivative of fascism where the state comes first.”
So now I’m the problem. Because I’m a talented programmer, I’m part of the 1% extracting value out of companies like a mercenary and I’m not being regulated; and I should be because I’m causing volatility for companies and in the general economy.
I find it insane that communists are able to effectively pretend to be free market capitalists …
The Fall of the Talent Economy?
Roger Martin, former dean of the Rotman School of Management, on why talent’s powerful economic position is unsustainable.
It’s obvious that this would happen
It’s obvious that this would happen …
Hacker breached insurance site
The hacker uploaded malicious software, but consumers’ personal data didn’t appear to be taken.