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Deadline for registering to vote is Monday (October 18…

Deadline for registering to vote is Monday (October 18...

Deadline for registering to vote is Monday (October 18, 2010). If you haven’t registered to vote yet, now’s the time.

Share this on your page go get others to register to vote as well.

Ready, set, vote!

The election has begun, so we here at the Yes on 19 campaign want to make sure you’re ready to participate and help us win on November 2.


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Parker: Legal pot a ‘good stimulus bill’ – CNN…

Parker: Legal pot a 'good stimulus bill' - CNN...

Parker: Legal pot a ‘good stimulus bill’ – CNN Video

“Parker Spitzer” host Kathleen Parker tells CNN’s Don Lemon that pot should be decriminalized.


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How Wall Street Shafted Main Street

How Wall Street Shafted Main Street

How Wall Street Shafted Main Street

CNN –October 11, 2010–Josh Rosner, who heads the research firm Graham Fisher, presents new proof that banks knew they were selling bad loans. Copyright CNN 2010 § 107.Limitations on exclusive rights: Fair use Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted …


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No Jail for Countrywide CEO Angelo Mozilo

No Jail for Countrywide CEO Angelo Mozilo

No Jail for Countrywide CEO Angelo Mozilo.

I guess that means we’re officially done with the chapter on mortgage fraud and the poster boy behind it all gets to walk around like nothing happened.

Mozilo Settles SEC Fraud Claims for $67.5 Million – BusinessWeek

Former Countrywide Financial Corp. Chief Executive Officer Angelo Mozilo agreed to pay a record $67.5 million to settle U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission allegations that he misled investors.


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Very important and interesting read

Very important and interesting read

Very important and interesting read …
Read the whole thing …

Gonzalo Lira: The Second Leg Down of America’s Death Spiral

Great summary. We were just starting the process of refinancing, given the 50-year interest low, but as all this become public, the question arose, “Are we even paying the entity that holds our note, who can give it to us when the loan is paid?”If that answer isn’t discovered for “x” number of year…


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If you’re going to die of a heart attack…

If you’re going to die of a heart attack, let it be from a caffeine overdose and not a fat man’s diet ..


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Profile Picture

Profile Picture


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Has anyone ever noticed that wall sockets look like…

Has anyone ever noticed that wall sockets look like tormented faces?


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I feel so mentally insufficient when I’m not drinking…

I feel so mentally insufficient when I’m not drinking a constant stream of diet coke .. <3 caffeine ..


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And of course .. the “profile” page with wall…

And of course .. the "profile" page with wall...

And of course .. the “profile” page with wall comments at the bottom and profile info on top … Where is my 7% share? I want billions plz …!!
