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And yes, I had a wall too .. Long…

And yes, I had a wall too .. Long...

And yes, I had a wall too .. Long before anyone else came up with the idea ..

Pay me my intellectual theft damages PLZ!!


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The members list

The members list

The members list …


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I watched the Social Network last night, and let…

I watched the Social Network last night, and let...

I watched the Social Network last night, and let me tell you, all this back and forth talk of “theft” is all bullshit .. If the theory of intellectual property is true (which I don’t believe in), then I am the TRUE owner of Facebook ..

“Facebook was started on Febuary 4th 2004, Invented by Mark Zuckerberg”

Well, the screen shot below shows that I started “Even Further Beyond” in January 2003 ..

Chew on that for a while ..


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You can’t steal ideas .. The notion of intellectual…

You can’t steal ideas .. The notion of intellectual property is ridiculous .. At its simplest, all intellectual property is automatically owned by a combination of your genetics and your environment .. Geniuses do not live in a vacuum and neither do ideas ..

There can only be one form of property .. Labor ..


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Did you guys know that I took Physics twice…

Did you guys know that I took Physics twice in high school? Why you ask? Because it was so awesome the first time, I had to take it again.

I also took it another two times in college, but that’s beside the point.

What did I learn you ask? I don’t really remember …


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I haven’t put up a screenshot of in…

I haven't put up a screenshot of in...

I haven’t put up a screenshot of in a while.

Facebook doesn’t allow high res pictures so here’s the full sized one:


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Profile Picture

Profile Picture


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I already posted the solution a few posts back…

I already posted the solution a few posts back. You guys don’t seem to be reading.
No we read it. It doesnt work.
You’re doing it wrong .. its not that difficult
Nope Doesn’t work (for me). You’re just being a redundant hypocrite. Any one got a NEW solution?
Have you thought about maybe evaluating what you’re doing wrong instead of asking for new solutions?
I apologize, I saw _____ and my brain saw _____, got it now.
