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LOL .. Back in 2004, I wrote a paper…

LOL .. Back in 2004, I wrote a paper for my History 317 (High Middle Ages) which I actually entitled “The First Crusade as a mission of stealing Candelabras from your murdered victims.” ..

This is an actual quote from my paper …

“There is however a theme that is uniform throughout the documents of the First Crusade, and that is that the First Crusade was a highly chaotic event which was used as an excuse by the Crusaders to cleanse the world of people that were not Christian and to fill their pockets with lots and lots of stolen candelabras.”

I think I may have been bored in this class and was doing my best to amuse myself …


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Oh snapz! I found a CD with my college…

Oh snapz! I found a CD with my college history papers on them ..


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Lazy Sunday

Lazy Sunday

Lazy Sunday


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Look who I found in my closet this morning

Look who I found in my closet this morning

Look who I found in my closet this morning.


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Controversial Pesticide Linked to Bee Collapse

Controversial Pesticide Linked to Bee Collapse

The fundamental problem isn’t neonicotinoids, but our society’s relationship to chemicals, said Frazier. “We’re making ourselves the guinea pigs,” he said. “I don’t think that’s what a rational society should be doing.”


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Do you have the patience to wait till your…

Do you have the patience to wait till your mud settles and the water is clear?
Can you remain unmoving till the right action arises by itself?


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New security for U.S. troops in Afghanistan

New security for U.S. troops in Afghanistan

U.S. military commanders in Afghanistan have assigned “guardian angels” — troops that watch over their comrades even as they sleep — and have ordered a series of other increased security measures to protect troops against possible attacks by rogue Afghans.


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Obamacare at the Supreme Court: Day Two (full audio)

Obamacare at the Supreme Court: Day Two (full audio)

Obamacare at the Supreme Court: Day Two (full audio)

Day two of the Supreme Court arguments against the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Florida v. Department of Health and Human Services, aka “Obama…


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SEC Rules for PepsiCo’s Use of Aborted Fetal Cells

SEC Rules for PepsiCo’s Use of Aborted Fetal Cells

Despite efforts by shareholders, PepsiCo was given a green light by the SEC to continue using cells from aborted babies to enhance its products. by Dave Bohon


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Attacker in Afghan uniform kills 2 NATO troops

Attacker in Afghan uniform kills 2 NATO troops

Afghan security forces shot and killed three international troops Monday, one of them an American, in two attacks. They were the latest in a rising number of attacks in which Afghan forces have turned their weapons on their foreign partners.
