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is wondering why Facebook would impose such a horribly…

is wondering why Facebook would impose such a horribly designed website interface on all of its users.


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When playing with fire

When playing with fire

Use isopropyl 90 instead of 70. It burns hotter.


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Because Farmers need some loving too

Because Farmers need some loving too

Because Farmers need some loving too

So I am like totally glad that the farmer whacked that Laguna Beach girl like Oh Em Gee she was such a superficial skank.

(Not to self, dont throw money around in Laguna Beach. You’ll attract the cockroaches.)


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My Spam

My Spam


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My Spam

My Spam


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Fixing a 3M 800×600 DLP Projector

Fixing a 3M 800x600 DLP Projector

Fixing a 3M 800×600 DLP Projector
